Rockwell Automation Liqui-Flo V2.0 AC Drive User Manual

Page 204

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Rockwell Automation Publication D2-3518-3 - May 2013

Chapter 10

Table 21 - Fault Descriptions and Corrective Actions (Frame 3)








AC Line Lost


4 Input power Lost, rectifier Ride Through Ena (64) is set to


1. Verify proper input voltage.
2. Use rectifier parameters Line Frequency (1), Input Voltage RS (7), Input Voltage

ST (8), and Input Voltage TR (9) to verify that drive can accurately measure
input frequency and voltage.

3. Check line voltage feedback signal path, including line sync board with fuse,

AC Line I/O board, and rectifier control board.

Analog In Loss


1 A user-configurable analog input is configured to fault on

signal loss. A signal loss has occurred.
Configure with inverter Analog In 1, 2 Loss (324, 327).

1. Check parameters.
2. Check for broken/loose connections at inputs.

Auto Rstrt Tries


3 Drive unsuccessfully attempted to reset a fault and resume

running for the programmed number of inverter
Auto Rstrt Tries (174).
Enable/disable with inverter Fault Config 1 (238).

Correct the cause of the fault and manually clear.

AutoTune Aborted


4 You canceled the autotune procedure.

Restart procedure.

Auxiliary Input


1 A user-configurable digital input is configured to Aux.

Fault and the input is open.

1. Check digital wiring.
2. Configure the digital input to something else with inverter Digital In Sel

parameter (361...366).

CarrierSync Lost


3 Rectifier could not maintain carrier synchronization to

Configure with rectifier Fault Config (rectifier 238).

1. Set inverter PWM Frequency (inverter 151) to 4 KHz.
2. Check cabling between two control boards.
3. Replace rectifier control board.
4. Replace inverter control board.

Current Fbk Lost


4 The magnitude of motor current feedback was less than

5% of inverter Motor NP FLA (42) for the time configured
in inverter Imbalance Time (50). Detection of this fault is
disabled when inverter Imbalance Time (50) is set to the
maximum value of 10.0 seconds.

1. If motor current rating is significantly less than drive output rating, it may be

necessary to disable this fault by setting inverter Imbalance Time (50) to 10.0

2. Verify connection of current feedback device and motor terminals.
3. If fault repeats, replace current feedback devices and/or power supply.

Decel Inhibit


3 The drive is not following a commanded deceleration

because it is attempting to limit bus voltage.
Enable/disable with inverter Fault Config 1 (238).

1. Verify input voltage is within drive specified limits.
2. Verify system ground impedance follows proper grounding techniques.
3. Disable bus regulation and/or extend deceleration time.

Drive OverLoad


1 Drive output rating of

110% for 1 minute or
150% for 5 seconds
has been exceeded.

Reduce load or extend inverter Accel Time (140, 141).

Excessive Load


4 Motor did not come up to speed in the allotted time.

1. Uncouple load from motor.
2. Repeat Autotune (inverter 61).

FluxAmpsRef Rang


4 The value for flux amps determined by the autotune

procedure exceeds the programmed inverter Motor NP
FLA (42).

1. Reprogram inverter Motor NP FLA (42) with the correct motor nameplate


2. Repeat Autotune (inverter 61).

Ground Fault


1 A current path to earth ground in excess of 7% of drive

rated amps has been detected at one or more of the drive
output terminals.

Check the motor and external wiring to the drive output terminals for a grounded
See inverter Ground Current (21).

Hi Vdc Shunt


4 Drive has activated the shunt trip because the DC Bus

Voltage was above 800V DC for more than 100 ms.

1. Monitor the AC line for high line voltage or transient conditions.
2. Bus overvoltage can also be caused by motor regeneration. Extend the decel


High AC Line


4 Input line voltage is too high.

Reduce input voltage to meet specification of 480 ±10%.

HW Fault


4 Inverter section of power structure hardware detected an

unexpected fault during power stage diagnostics.

Replace inverter power board.

HW OverCurrent


1 The drive output current has exceeded the hardware

current limit.

Check programming. Check for excess load, improper DC boost setting, DC brake
volts set too high or other causes of excess current.

I/O Board Fail


2 Inverter (Standard) I/O Board failure.

1. Cycle power.
2. If fault repeats, replace inverter standard I/O board.