8 trigger setting – BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 52

Procedures for setting up the input conditions are identical for both
To Set Input Impedance: press the softkey under IMPED to toggle
between 1 MΩ and 50Ω.
To Set Input Coupling: press the softkey under COUPL to toggle
between AC and DC.
To Set Attenuation of signals: press the softkey under ATTEN to
toggle between Χ1 and Χ10.
To Set Filter: press the softkey under FILTER to toggle between
NONE and 100k.
Input Front/Rear: Users also can do measurement from the rear
terminal by pressing the softkey under Input Front, once the source
connection is established in the rear. Please note that if sources are
from the rear, users have to purchase the accessory 1105-opt04.
Remote Interface Command
Use the following commands for assigning your channel conditions:
:INPut[1|2]:IMPedance 1E6|50 [OHM]
:INPut[1|2]:COUPling AC|DC
:INPut[1|2]:ATTenuation 1|10
:INPut[1|2]:FILTer ON|OFF
4.8 Trigger Setting
All measurement functions are almost performed in auto-trigger default
mode. One may manually turn off auto triggering and/or make changes
on related settings if it’s needed.
When auto-triggering is off, users are allowed to specify the voltage level
at which the corresponding input channel triggers an event. When
auto-triggering is on, users are allowed to specify the percentage of an
input signal at which the Counter triggers an event. In addition, one may
specify sensitivity level to avoid incorrect events triggered due to noise.