BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 153

A USB or DB9 message will be returned.
As the command :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SOURce USB is executed,
can’t do the remote control via USB excluding LAN or GPIB.
::::SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:CONTrol:DTR OFF|
Sets or queries the hardware pacing scheme. The parameter LIMit can be set by the
command :SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SOURce USB|DB9. As the command is set to
OFF, users can’t use the Output function of the Limit PASS/FALL.
A sequence of ASCII encoded bytes: OFF or LIM.
This value is stored at non-volatile memory, so it does not change after the counter
has been turned off or after a remote interface reset.
The start and stop thresholds are not user configurable.
Queries the first error in the error queue and removes it from the error queue. Refer to
Chapter 6 for the error numbers and messages.
The error number and the error message are returned. The error number is an
integer between -32767 and 32767. A “0” is returned if there is no error in the error
The error queue will be emptied after the counter has been turned off or after the last
error in the queue has been read.
When there are more than 30 errors, which causes the error queue overflows, the
last error is replaced with error -350, “queue overflows”. The most recent error will
be discarded.
This command removes the displayed error from the error queue.
The *RST command does not change the error queue.