The command :calibration – BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual

Page 119

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It will be returned to 0 after the counter has been turned off or a remote interface


When this is on, only the measurements (scaled and offset when math is on) within

limits will be used in statistical calculation.


Queries the order in which CALCulate3 sub-blocks are to be processed.


A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes: LFIL, AVER.


For the counter, this sequence is fixed to be LFILter followed by AVERage.

The command :CALibration


Sets the security code for calibration. The range is from 0 to 99,999,999, and

the resolution is 1. Default Security validate code is 1105.


The security code is stored in non-volatile memory and is unaffected by

power-on, save/recall or *RST.

When the state is in the security code requirement, please input the correct

code. After that, if you want to change the code please input a new one. Then,

press the Enter button to store it.

:CALibration:SECurity:STATe ,

Sets or queries the security state of the calibration.

To unsecure the Counter for calibration, specify OFF with a valid security code.

Once the Counter is unsecured, any calibration can be performed.

To secure the Counter, specify ON with a valid security code. When the Counter

is secure against calibration, no calibration can be performed except for

interpolator calibration.


Single ASCII-encoded byte. 0 means the Counter is unsecure while 1 means

the Counter is secure.