The commands :system – BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 152

When the staring and the stopping points are both set to immediate, the
command :INIT[:IMM] can be used to start totalizing and the command :ABORt can
be used to end it. Before the “auto” totalize measurement is terminated, no totalize
result will be available.
Sets or queries the gate time in arming Totalize measurements. The range is 1E-3 to
1,000 seconds and the resolution is 0.01E-3 seconds.
Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in
This will be set to 100E-3 seconds after the counter has been turned off or a remote
interface reset.
This command only applies when [:SENSe]:TOT:ARM:STOP:SOUR TIM is used.
To set or query “FAST” or “SLOW” under the Mode of Voltage Peak, the “FAST”
is recommended if the input source is over 10 KHz, and the “SLOW” is
recommended if the input source is over 100 Hz.
A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes, FAST or SLOW.
The Commands :SYSTem
These commands deal with the capabilities that have no direct effects on
the counter’s performance.
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial:SOURce USB
Sets or queries the hardware pacing scheme. As the LIMIT PASS/FALL is set to USB, the
output port will be via USB. As the LIMIT PASS/FALL is set to DB9, the output port will be
via 9-pin plug like RS-232.