BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 139

Sets or queries the percentage of the peak-to-peak range of the signal at which the
instrument automatically triggers. The range is from 0 to 100 PCT, and the resolution is
10 PCT.
The counter automatically measures and computes the trigger level according to the
percentage specified by the command :[:SENS]:EVEN[1︱2]:LEV:REL when it receives
this command.
Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in
This will be reset to 50 PCT after the counter has been turned off or a remote
interface reset.
This command only applies when [:SENS]:EVEN[1
︱2]:LEV[:ABS]:AUTO is ON
[:SENSe]EVENt[1|2]:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative
Sets or queries which edge of the input signal will be considered an event when the
counter measures frequency, period, frequency ratio, time interval, totalize or phase.
If specifying the positive slope, a signal ascending from a lower voltage to a higher
voltage will define an event at the upper hysteresis limit, on the other hand, if specifying
the negative slope, a signal descending from a higher voltage to a lower voltage will
define an event at the lower hysteresis limit.
A sequence of ASCII-encoded bytes, POS or NEG.
This will be set to Positive after the counter has been turned off or a remote interface
The slope specified here is irrelevant from to the ones used in Rise/Fall Time, Duty
Cycle and Pulse Width measurements.
Queries the channel 3 trigger level.
Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in