BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 107

When using ASCii format, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15, depending on the
measurement resolution. Only significant digits will be returned.
If there is no valid result, error -230 will be generated and 9.91E37(Not A Number)
will be returned.
If Totalize or Voltage Peaks are chosen, error 0221 will be generated and
9.91E37(Not A Number) will be returned.
If this command is sent when a measurement is in progress, the results will not be
available until the measurement is completed, and it also holds off the subsequent
commands unless there is a device clear or a power cycle.
The last computed result remains valid until a new calculation is made
o a relevant
instrument state is modified.
:CALCulate[1]:FEED “[:]SENSe[1]”
Feeds the data to the CALCulate[1] block.
The string “SENS” is returned.
Instructs the counter to re-compute the current data without re-acquiring data.
This command will not affect:
Results are formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii|REAL setting.
When using ASCii format, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15, depending on the
measurement resolution. Only significant digits will be returned.
If there is no valid result, error -230 will be generated and 9.91E37(Not A Number)
will be returned.
If Totalize or Voltage Peaks are chosen, error 0221 will be generated and
9.91E37(Not A Number) will be returned.