The command :calculate3 – BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual

Page 114

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A fail will be returned if the result is less than the lower limit, but when the result is

equal to the lower limit, the counter will not report a fail.


The lower limit will be set to 0 after the counter has been turned off or a remote

interface reset.

Setting a new lower limit will clear the limit counts


If the limit testing is on (:CALC:MATH:STATe ON), user should consider the scaled

and offset results when specifying the limit.

:CALCulate2:LIMit:UPPer[:DATA] [HZ|S|DEG]

Sets or queries the upper limit in the limit test.


Numeric value transferred as ASCII bytes in format with eleven significant


A fail will be returned if the result is greater than the upper limit, but when the result

is equal to the upper limit, the counter will not report a fail.


The upper limit will be set to 0 after the counter has been turned off or a remote

interface reset.

Setting a new upper limit will clear the limit counts


If the limit testing is on (:CALC:MATH:STATe ON), user should consider the scaled

and offset results when specifying the limit.

The command :CALCulate3

This group performs statistics calculation and data transfer.


Queries all of the four statistics results: mean value, standard deviation, maximum value

and minimum value.


Numeric data transferred as ASCII bytes in format. The number of significant