BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual

Page 111

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This will be set to ON after the counter has been turned off or a remote interface


When this is set to ON, the following will be done whenever :INIT[:IMM]

or :INIT:CONT ON is executed:

The limit data gets cleared.


and :CALC2:LIM:PCO information gets cleared.

The Limit-Detect output of the RS-232 connector is set to the in-limit voltage level.


Instructs the counter to invalidate the limit data immediately, and

clear :CALC2:LIM:FAIL, :CALC2:LIM:FCO and :CALC2:LIM:PCO information, and also

sets the limit-detect output of the RS-232 connector to the in-limit voltage level.


If the limit state is set to OFF, error -221 will be generated.

:CALCulate2:LIMit:DISPlay GRAPh|NUMBer

To execute the command for the display in number or graph, the display will show both

result, number and graph.


A sequence of ASCII-encoded byte. GRAP means graphic and NUMB means numeric.


Queries the status of the last measurement that was limit tested.


A single ASCII-encoded byte is returned. 0 means that the last measurement has

passed the limit test, and 1 means that it failed the test.


If there is no valid measurement result, a “0” will be returned and error -230 will be


If this command is sent when limit test is on and a measurement is in progress, the

response will not be available until the measurement is completed, and it also holds

off the subsequent commands unless there is a device clear or a power cycle.