BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual

Page 104

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Use a colon and a semicolon to link commands from different subsystems.
For example, in the following command string, an error is generated if
you do not use both the colon and semicolon:


Querying Parameter Settings

You can query the current value of most parameters by adding a

question mark (?) to the command. For example, the following command
sets the input attenuation to 10:

:INPut:ATTenuation 10

You can query the input attenuation by executing:


※Caution: If you send two query commands without reading the
response from the first, and then attempt to read the second response,
you may receive some data from the first response followed by the
complete second response. To avoid this, do not send a query command
without reading the response. When you cannot avoid this situation,
send a device clear before sending the second query command.

SCPI Command Terminators
A command string sent to the universal counter must terminate with a
character. The IEEE-488 EOI (end-or-identify) message is
interpreted as a character and can be used to terminate a
command string in place of a character. A
followed by a is also accepted. Command string termination
will always reset the current SCPI command path to the root level.

IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
The IEEE-488.2 standard defines a set of common commands that
perform functions like reset, self-test, and status operations. Common
commands always begin with an asterisk (*), are four to five characters
in length, and may include one or more parameters. The command