BNC 1105 Universal Counter User Manual
Page 123

A sequence of ASCII-encoded byte: COMM or DPO.
This value is stored at non-volatile memory, so it will not change after the
counter has been turned off, or after *RST command or save&recall.
This command queries the measurement taken by the command :INItiate (or :MEASure
query or :READ?).
This command is the generic form of the Commands :FETCh?. Skipping the
specified by the last command :CONFigure, :MEASure, :READ, or :FETCh. When
consistent with the current measurement function or it can be derived from the
current measurement function. The following table shows what functions can be
derived from what functions.
Voltage Peaks
Voltage MAXimum
Voltage Peaks
Voltage Minimum
Voltage Peaks
Voltage CENTer
Voltage Maximum
Voltage Peaks
Voltage Minimum
Voltage Peaks
Voltage CENTer
Voltage Peaks
For more information about
Chapter 5.4.
Results will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii|REAL
If choosing the ASCii format, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
depending on the resolution.
If there is no valid result, Not a Number 9.91E37 is returned and error -230
is generated.
When an automatically armed Totalize measurement is in progress, sending
a :FETCh? Command will cause error -221 and Not a Number 9.91E37 will be
returned. To avoid this error, use :ABORt to terminate the measurement