Clock summer-time (date) – Accton Technology Edge-corE Fast Ethernet Switch ES3528M-SFP User Manual
Page 370

Command Line Interface
clock summer-time (date)
This command allows the user to manually configure the start, end, and offset times
of summer-time (daylight savings time) for the switch on a one-time basis. Use the
no form to disable summer-time.
clock summer-time name date b-month b-day b-year b-hour b-minute
e-month e-day e-year e-hour e-minute offset
no clock summer-time
• name - Name of the time zone while summer-time is in effect, usually an
acronym. (Range: 1-30 characters)
• b-month - The month when summer-time will begin. (Options: january |
february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october
| november | december)
• b-day - The day summer-time will begin. (Options: sunday | monday |
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday)
• b-year- The year summer-time will begin.
• b-hour - The hour summer-time will begin. (Range: 0-23 hours)
• b-minute - The minute summer-time will begin. (Range: 0-59 minutes)
• e-month - The month when summer-time will end. (Options: january |
february | march | april | may | june | july | august | september | october
| november | december)
• e-day - The day summer-time will end. (Options: sunday | monday |
tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday)
• e-year- The year summer-time will end.
• e-hour - The hour summer-time will end. (Range: 0-23 hours)
• e-minute - The minute summer-time will end. (Range: 0-59 minutes)
• offset - Summer-time offset from the regular time zone, in minutes.
(Range: 0-99 minutes)
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Usage
This command sets the summer-time time zone relative to the currently
configured time zone. To display a time corresponding to your local time when
summer-time is in effect, you must indicate the number of minutes your
summer-time time zone deviates from your regular time zone.