Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual
Cr9000x measurement and control system
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Revision and Copyright Information
- Warranty
- Assistance
- Table of Contents
- Quick Start
- Overview
- OV1. Physical Description
- OV1.1 Basic System
- OV1.2 Measurement Modules
- CR9050(E) Analog Input Module
- CR9051E Fault Protected 5 V Analog Input Module
- CR9052DC Anti-Alias Filter Module with DC Excitation
- CR9052IEPE Anti-Alias Filter Module
- CR9055(E) 50-Volt Analog Input Module
- CR9058E Isolation Module
- CR9060 Excitation Module
- CR9070 Counter - Timer / Digital I/O Module — Obsolete
- CR9071E Counter and Digital I/O Module
- OV1.3 Communication Interfaces
- The CR9000X's CPU module (CR9032) has built-in RS-232 and Ethernet ports, thus eliminating the need for expensive external communication interfaces.
- OV2. Memory and Programming Concepts
- OV4. Support Software
- OV5. Specifications
- OV1. Physical Description
- Section 1. Installation
- Section 2. Data Storage and Retrieval
- Section 3. CR9000X Measurement
- 3.1 Measurements using the CR9041 A/D
- 3.1.1 Analog Voltage Measurement Sequence
- 3.1.2 Single Ended and Differential Voltage Measurements
- 3.1.3 Signal Settling Time
- 3.1.4 Thermocouple Measurements
- 3.1.5 Bridge Resistance Measurements
- 3.1.6 Measurements Requiring AC Excitation
- 3.1.7 Influence of Ground Loop on Measurements
- 3.2 CR9058E Isolation Module Measurements
- 3.3 CR9052 Filter Module Measurements
- 3.4 Pulse Count Measurements
- 3.1 Measurements using the CR9041 A/D
- Section 4. CRBasic – Native Language
- 4.1 Introduction to Writing CR9000X Programs
- 4.2 CRBasic Programming
- 4.2.1 Fundamental elements of CRBASIC include:
- 4.2.2 Numerical Entries
- 4.2.3 Programming Structure
- 4.2.4 Declarations
- 4.2.5 Constants
- 4.2.6 Flags
- 4.2.7 Parameter Types
- 4.2.8 Data Tables
- 4.2.9 Measurement Timing and Processing
- 4.2.10 CRBasic Measurement Instructions
- 4.2.11 Expressions
- 4.3 Program Access to Data Tables
- Section 5. Program Declarations
- Constants (and pre-defined constants), Variables, Constants, Aliases, Units, Data Tables, Functions, and Subroutines must be declared before being used in a CRBasic program. They are normally declared at the beginning of a CRBASIC program.
- AS
- StationName
- Section 6. Data Table Declarations and
Output Processing Instructions
- 6.1 Data Table Declaration
- 6.2 Trigger Modifiers
- 6.3 Export Data Instructions
- 6.4 Output Processing Instructions
- Average (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- Covariance (NumVals, Source, DataType, DisableVar, NumCov)
- FFT (Source, DataType, N, Tau, Units, Option)
- FFT Example
- FieldNames “list of fieldnames”
- Histogram (BinSelect, DataType, DisableVar, Bins, Form, WtVal, LowLim, UpLim)
- Histogram4D ( BinSelect, DataType, DisableVar, Bins1, Bins2, Bins3, Bins4, Form, WtVal, LowLim1, UpLim1, LowLim2, UpLim2, LowLim3, UpLim3, LowLim4, UpLim4)
- LevelCrossing (Source, DataType, DisableVar, NumLevels, 2ndDim, CrossingArray, 2ndArray, Hysteresis, Option)
- Maximum (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar, Time)
- Median
- Minimum (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar, Time)
- Moment
- RainFlow (Source, DataType, DisableVar, MeanBins, AmpBins, LowerLimit, UpperLimit, MinAmp, Form)
- SampleFieldCal
- Sample (Reps, Source, DataType)
- SampleMaxMin (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- StdDev (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- Totalize (Reps, Source, DataType, DisableVar)
- WindVector (Repetitions, Speed/East, Direction/North, DataType, DisableVar, Subinterval, SensorType, OutputOpt)
- Measured raw data:
- Calculations:
- Section 7. Measurement Instructions
- 7.1 Voltage Measurements
- 7.2 Thermocouple Measurements
- 7.3 Resistive Bridge Measurements
- 7.3.1 Electrical Bridge Circuits
- 7.3.2 Bridge Excitation
- 7.3.3 Half Bridges
- BrHalf (Dest, Reps, Range, ASlot, SEChan, ExSlot, ExChan, MesPEx, ExmV, RevEx, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset)
- BrHalf3W (Dest, Reps, Range, ASlot, SEChan, ExSlot, ExChan, MesPEx, ExmV, RevEx, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset)
- BrHalf4W (Dest, Reps, Range1, Range2, ASlot, DiffChan, ExSlot, ExChan, MesPEx, ExmV, RevEx, RevDiff, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset)
- 7.3.4 Full Bridges
- 7.4 Self Measurements
- 7.5 Peripheral Devices
- AM25T (Dest, Reps, Range, AM25TChan, ASlot, DiffChan, TCType, Tref, ExCardSlot, ClkPort, ResPort, ExChan, RevDiff, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset)
- Alpha Code
- Code
- CS7500 (Dest, Reps, SDMAddres, CS7500Cmd)
- CSAT3 (Dest, Reps, Address, Command)
- SDMAO4 (Source, Reps, SDMAddress)
- SDMCAN (Dest, SDMAddress, TimeQuanta, TSEG1, TSEG2, ID, DataType, StartBit, NumBits, NumVals, Multiplier, Offset)
- SDMCD16AC (Source, Reps, SDMAddress)
- SDMCVO4 (Source, Reps, SDMAddress, Mode)
- SDMIO16 (Dest, Status, Address, Command, ModePorts 16-13, ModePorts 12-9, ModePorts 8-5, ModePorts 4-1, Mult, Offset)
- SDMSIO4 (Dest, Reps, Address, Mode, Command, FirstOp, SecOp, ValuesPerRep, Mult, Offset)
- SDMSW8A (Dest, Reps, SDMAddress, FunctOp, SW8AStartChan, Mult, Offset)
- SDMSpeed (BitPeriod)
- SDMTrigger
- SDMX50 (SDMAddress, Channel)
- TDR100 (Dest, SDMAddress, Option, Mux/ProbeSelect, WaveAvg, Vp, Points, CableLength, WindowLength, ProbeLength, ProbeOffset, Mult, Offset)
- AM25T (Dest, Reps, Range, AM25TChan, ASlot, DiffChan, TCType, Tref, ExCardSlot, ClkPort, ResPort, ExChan, RevDiff, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset)
- 7.6 Pulse/Timing/State Measurements
- 7.7 Serial Sensors
- 7.8 CR9052DC & CR9052IEPE Filter Module
- Scan Interval
- Scan Rate
- 500 Hz
- VoltFilt (Dest, Reps, Range, FSlot, Chan, FiltOption, Excitation, Mult, Offset)
- SubScan (SubInterval, Units, SubRatio)
- Filter Module Memory Buffer
- FFTFilt (Dest, Reps, Range, Fslot, Channel, FiltOption, Excitation, Mult, FSampRate, FFTLen, TSWindow, SpectOption, Fref, SBin, ILow, IHigh)
- Sample Rate
- Sample Interval
- 500 Hz
- snapshots processed into spectra are “seamless”. If the scan period is greater than FFTLen/FsampRate, then the time series snapshots will have gaps between them. A compile error occurs if the scan Period is less than FFTLen/FsampRate
- Spectra Result
- Maximum Spectrum Length
- Window Function
- Spectral Options
- FFT Spectral Bins
- Frequency Range
- Frequency Resolution
- Spectral ReBinning
- FFTSample (Source, DataType)
- Section 8. Processing and Math
- AngleDegrees
- Bit Shift Operators (<< and >>)
- ABS(Source)
- ACOS (Source)
- AND Operator
- ASIN (Source)
- ATN(Source)
- ATN2(Source)
- AvgRun (Dest, Reps, Source, Number)
- AvgSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- Ceiling(Source)
- COS(Source)
- CosH (Source)
- CovSpa(Dest,NumofCov, Size,CoreArray,DataArray)
- DewPoint (Dest, Temp, RH)
- FFTSpa (Dest, N, Source, Tau, Units, Option)
- Floor (Source)
- FRAC(Source)
- Hex (Expression)
- HexToDec (Expression)
- IfTime(TintoInt, Interval, Units)
- INT(Source), Fix(Source)
- LOG(Source) or LN(Source)
- LOG10 (source)
- MaxSpa(Dest, Swath, Source)
- MinSpa(Dest, Swath, Source)
- OR Operator
- PeakValley (DestPV, DestChange, Reps, Source, Hysteresis)
- PRT (Dest, Reps, Source, Mult, Offset)
- PRTCalc (Dest, Reps, Source, PRTType, Mult, Offset)
- Randomize(Source)
- RectPolar (Dest, Source)
- RMSSpa(Dest, Swath, Source)
- Round(Source, Decimal)
- RND Function
- SGN Function
- SIN(Source)
- SINH (Source)
- SortSpa (Dest, Swath, Source)
- SQR(Source)
- StdDevSpa(Dest, Swath, Source)
- SatVP (Dest, Temp)
- StrainCalc(Dest, Reps, BrConfig, Source, Zero, GF, v)
- Tan(Source)
- TANH (Source)
- VaporPressure (Dest, Temp, RH)
- WetDryBulb (Dest, Temp, WetTemp, Pressure)
- Derived Math Functions
- Section 9. Datalogger Control
- 9.1 Program Structure/Control
- BeginProg, EndProg, Exit
- Call
- CallTable
- Default Program
- Delay (Option, Delay, Units)
- Remarks
- Do
- FileManage
- FileMark(TableName)
- For ... Next Statement
- If ... Then ... Else Statement
- Include
- Print list of variables or quoted text
- RunDLDFile
- Scan
- Select Case Statement
- SetStatus ("FieldName", Value)
- SlotConfigure (Slot4CardID, Slot5CardID, Slot6CardID, Slot7CardID, Slot8CardID, Slot9CardID, Slot10CardID, Slot11CardID, Slot12CardID)
- SlowSequence(TimeSlice)
- SubScan/NextSubScan
- WaitDigTrig
- 9.2 Datalogger Status/Control
- BiasComp
- Calibrate
- CalFile(Source/Dest, NumVals, "Device:filename", Option)
- Syntax
- ClockSet (Source).
- Data (DataLong), Read, Restore
- Excite (ExSlot, ExChan, ExmV, Delay)
- FieldCal (Function, MeasVar, Reps, MultVar, OffsetVar, Mode, KnownVar, Index, Avg)
- FieldCalStrain (Function, MeasVar, Reps, GF_Adj, Zero_mVperVolt, Mode, KnownRs, Index, NumAvg, GF_Raw, uStrain)
- Get Record(Dest, TableName, RecsBack)
- InstructionTimes(Dest)
- LoadFieldCal
- Move(Dest, DestReps, Source, SourceReps)
- NewFieldCal
- NewFieldNames (OldNames, NewNames)
- PortSet (ExSlot, Port, State, Delay)
- Power Off
- Powerup.ini
- ReadIO (Dest, PSlot, Mask)
- RealTime(Dest)
- Reset Table
- SecsSince1990
- Timer
- WriteIO (PSlot, Mask, Source)
- 9.3 File Control
- 9.1 Program Structure/Control
- Section 10. Custom Keyboard Display Menus
- Section 11. String Functions
- 11.1 Expressions with Strings
- 11.2 String Manipulation Functions
- ASCII(ASCII_String(1,1,Position))
- Syntax
- CHR(c)
- FormatFloat (Float, FormatString)
- InStr (Start, SearchStr, SoughtString, SearchOption )
- Left (SearchString, NumChars)
- Len (SourceString)
- LowerCase (SourceString)
- LTrim (SourceString)
- Mid (String, Start, Length)
- Replace (SearchString, SubString, ReplaceString)
- Right (SearchString, NumChars)
- RTrim (SourceString)
- SplitStr (ResultString, SearchString, FilterString, NumSplit, SplitOption)
- StrComp (String1, String2)
- Trim (SourceString)
- UpperCase (SourceString)
- ASCII(ASCII_String(1,1,Position))
- Appendix A. Keywords and Predefined Constants
- Appendix B. Filter Module AvailableScan Rates
- Appendix C. PC/CF Card Information
- Appendix D. Status Table
- Appendix E. Glossary
- CR9000X Index
- Campbell Scientific Contact Information