Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 436

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CR9000X Index

Handshake, Handshaking, E-4
Hanning Window Function, 3-33, 7-52
Hello Exchange, E-4
Hertz, E-4
Hex Function, 8-19
Hex to Decimal conversion, 8-19
Histogram Output Instruction, 6-18
Histogram4D Instruction, 6-20
Humidity Concerns, 1-7
Hyberbolic Tangent Function, 8-41
Hyperbolic Cosine Function, 8-11
Hyperbolic Sine Function, 8-34


I/O Ports, 7-42, 9-52
IEEE4, 2-2, E-4
If Then Else, 9-10
IfTime Instruction, 8-20
IIF Instruction, 8-21
IMP Function, 8-22
Include, 9-12
INF, 2-3, 2-4, E-4
Infinity, 2-3
Initiate telecommunication, E-4
Input Limit, Voltage, 3-5
Input Limits, Voltage, 3-3
Input Voltage Limit Check Option, 3-7
Input/Output Instructions, E-5
Input/Output Ports, 7-39
InStr String Function, 11-4
InstructionTimes Instruction, 7-15, 9-42
INT, Integer Function, 8-23
Integer, E-5
Integer Divide, 8-20
Integers, 4-36, 4-37
Integration, 3-3
Intermediate Storage, E-5
Internal Data Format, 2-2
Interval Timing, 7-40
Interval, Data Table, 6-2
IP, E-5
IP Address Setup, OV-20
IP Address, E-5
IP Communications Set-up, QS-9
IP Port Set-up Tips, QS-10
Isolation Module, OV-14
Isolation Module Measurements, 3-21


Junction Boxes, 1-2


Kaiser Bessel Window Function, 3-33, 7-53
Key Words, A-1
Keyboard Display, 10-1
Keyboard/Display Custom Menu, 10-1


Lapses, 6-2
Left String Function, 11-5
LEN String Function, 11-5
LevelCrossing Instruction, 6-21
LI7500, 7-18
Lightning, E-3
Lightning Protection, 1-8
Ln, Natural Logarithm Function, 8-23
LoadFieldCal, 9-43
local variable, E-5
Log, Natural Logarithm Function, 8-23
LOG10, Logarithm base 10 Instruction, 8-24
Logarithmic Spectral Rebinning, 7-60
Logger Files, Retrieve, 2-7
LoggerNet, OV-24, OV-25
Logic, And, 8-4
Logic, EQV, 8-15
Logic, Not, 8-26
Logic, Or, 8-26
Logic, XOR, 8-43
Logical Expressions, 4-37
Long, 2-2, 2-4, 5-2, E-5
Long Data Type

Definition, 4-15
from Boolean, 4-36
from Float, 4-36
to Boolean, 4-36
to Float, 4-36

Loop, 9-3, E-5
Loop Counter, E-5
LowerCaseString Function, 11-6
LTrim, 11-6


Manually Initiated, E-5
Math, 2-4
Math Functions, Derived, 8-43
Mathematical Operations, 4-35
Mathematical Operators, 8-1
Maximum Output Instruction, 6-25
Maximum, local, 8-27
MaxSpa, Spatial Maximum Instruction, 8-24
MD5 digest, E-5
ME, OV-5
Measure Time, D-2
