3 tob1 binary file format, 4 tob3 binary file format – Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

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Section 2. Data Storage and Retrieval

2.4.3 TOB1 Binary File Format

The TOB1 binary file format is typically only used when it is essential to
minimize the file size or when other software requires, or more readily
accepts, this format over ASCII (such as DaDisp) . Campbell Scientifics'
ViewPro and Split utilities directly support TOB1 file formats.

Files can be collected as TOB1 through the collect menu in RTDAQ or
LoggerNet software support packages. The Card Convert utility can also
convert TOB3 data files into TOB1 data files.

Figure 2.4-6 is a sample of a data file that was generated using Example
Program 2.4-1 and collected as TOB1 Binary with time stamps.

(data lines are binary and not directly readable )

FIGURE 2.4-6. TOB1 with timestamps and record numbers

Figure 2.4-7 shows the same data file collected as TOB1 w/o time stamps.

(data lines are binary and not directly readable )

FIGURE 2.4-7 TOB1 without timestamps and record numbers

2.4.4 TOB3 Binary File Format

Data Files that are created internal of the CR9000X, either on the CPU or
on the PC card, are stored in the raw TOB3 binary format. The only way
to access this raw TOB3 file, without converting it to another format, is
directly from the PC card (copying or accessing), or through retrieving the
file using the File Control utility in RTDAQ or LoggerNet. It should be
noted that FileMarks that have been written to data files can only be
processed using this raw TOB3 binary file.

The File header information of the TOB3 format differs slightly from the
other data file formats. Figure 2.4-8 lists the information included in the
TOB3 file header.
