Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 439

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CR9000X Index

SampleMaxMin Output Instruction, 6-32
SatVP Instruction, 8-36

execution interval, E-8
frequency, E-8

Scan Instruction, 4-25, 9-15
Scans, Multiple, 9-20
SDI-12, E-8
SDM, E-8
SDM Peripherals, OV-22
SDM-AO4, 7-19
SDMCAN, 7-19
SDM-CD16, 7-26
SDM-CD16AC, 7-26
SDM-CD16D, 7-26
SDM-CVO4, 7-26
SDMINT8 Interval Timer Instruction, 7-27
SDMIO16 Instruction, 7-30
SDMSIO4 Instruction, 7-31
SDMSpeed Instruction, 7-32
SDMSW8A, 7-31
SDMTrigger Instruction, 7-33
SDMX50, 7-33
SecsSince1990, 9-50
Seebeck Effect, E-8
Select Case, 9-17
Send, E-8
Sensor Calibration File, 9-28
Serial, E-8
Serial Communications Set-up, QS-3
Serial Input/Output, 7-31
Serial Sensor Measurement, 7-42
SerialInput Instruction, 7-42
Server, OV-24
Settling Time, 3-2, 3-8, 3-9
Sgn Function, Sign of Number, 8-33
Short Cut, OV-25
ShortCut, 4-1
SI Système Internationale, E-8
Signature, E-8
SIN, Sine Function, 8-34
Single Ended Voltage Measurement, 7-4
Single-ended, E-9
SinH, Hyperbolic Sine Function, 8-34
Skipped Records, 6-2
skipped scans, E-9
SlotConfigure Instruction, 29-0
slow sequence, E-9
SlowSequence Instruction, 9-20
SNP, E-9
Software Development Kits, OV-26
Solar Panel, 1-6
Sort Array Values, 8-34
SortSpa Instruction, 8-34

Spatial Average, 8-10

Spatial Covariance, 8-11

Spatial Maximum Function, 8-24

Spatial Minimum Function, 8-25

Spatial RMS, 8-31

Spatial Sort Instruction, 8-34

Specifications, OV-27

Spectral Leakage, 3-34

Spectral Options, 7-53

Spectral Options, 8-17

Spectral Weighing, Class A, B, & C, 7-51

SpltStr String Function, 11-8

Sqr, Square Root Function, 8-35

Standard Deviation, 6-33

Standard Deviation, Spatial, 8-35

Startup Code, D-1

State, OV-16, OV-18, E-9

Station Name, 5-11

Status Table, D-1

StdDev Instruction, 6-33

StdDevSpa Instruction, 8-35

StrainCalc Instruction, 8-36

StrComp String Function, 11-9

String, 2-4, 5-2, E-9
String Data Type

Definition, 4-18

String Expressions, 4-38
String Manipulation Functions

ASCII, 11-2
CHR, 11-3
FormatFloat, 11-4
InStr, 11-4
Left, 11-5
Len, 11-5
LowerCase, 11-6
LTrim, 11-6
Mid, 11-6
Replace, 11-7
Right, 11-7
RTrim, 11-7
SplitStr, 11-8
StrComp, 11-9
Trim, 11-9
Uppercase, 11-9


Adding, 11-1
Assigning, 11-1
Comparison Operators, 11-2
Conversion to/from Numeric, 11-1
Output Sampling, 11-2
Subtracting, 11-1

Sub, Subroutine Declaration, 5-12
SubMenu Instruction, 10-5
Subroutine Calling, 9-1

CR9058E Isolation Module Measurements, 4-27
Filter Module Measurements, 4-26


Filter Module Measurements, 9-23
