3 program access to data tables – Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

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Section 4. CRBasic – Native Language Programming

4.3 Program Access to Data Tables

Data stored in a table can be accessed from within the program. The format
used is:

Tablename.Fieldname_PRC( index,recordsback)


Tablename The name of the table in which the desired value is stored. The

table can be a user defined table or the Status table.

Fieldname The name of the field in the table and is always an array even if

it consists of only one variable.


Abbreviation for the field processing used in the storage
process. For example, PRC = AVG when the Average data
processing instruction is used. Do not use an _PRC for Sample
processing, or for retrieving data from the Status Table. See
Table 4.3-1 for a list of these abbreviations.


Specifies the array element from which to retrieve the data and
must always be specified. Use 1 if the FieldName is a single
element array.

Recordsback The number of records back in the data table from the current

time (1 is the most recent record stored, 2 is the record stored
prior to the most recent) to retrieve. A negative number can be
entered for the RecordsBack parameter to specify the time, in
seconds since 1990.

A use example for this syntax would be to calculate the change in an average
output between two records. For Example Program 4.2.10-2, to find the change
in the 100 millisecond average between the most recent average and the average
that was stored 101 records earlier for TC(1), you could insert following code
into the program:


TABLE 4.3-1 Output Processing Abbreviations




Processing Name




Processing Name

Avg Average MMT Moment
Cov Covariance

RFH RainFlow


Etsz ET


Solar Radiation


None required


H4D Histogram4D


Sample at Max or Min

Hst Histogram

Std Standard


LCr Level



Time of Max

Max Maximum TMn

Time of Min

Med Median Tot Totalize
Min Minimum WVc WindVector

If a time of minimum or maximum is returned by Tablename.Fieldname, the
time is reflected in seconds since 1990. However, if FieldNameIndex is entered
as a negative value, then time is reflected in usec since 1990. This time value
can be converted to a standard datalogger timestamp if the variable is declared
as a Long and is Sampled into a table using the NSEC data format.
