Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 35

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is no power available, the logger has been shut down through
software control or that the internal fuse is blown.


There are two connections, in parallel, for hooking up a 9 to 18
VDC charging source. These connections are fuse and diode
protected. The CR9011's 12VOUT supply is current limited to 300
mA. If a peripheral requires more current, the CR9032 SDM 12
volt out can source up to 1.85 amps.


The CR9011 has a relay that allows shutting off power under
program control. The Power Up inputs allow an external signal to
awaken the CR9000X from a powered down state (see the
PowerOff topic in Section 9 9.2 Data Logger Status/ Control).
When the CR9000X is in this "Power Off" state, the On/Off switch
is in the ON position but the internal relay is open and the power
LED is not lit. If the ">2" input has a voltage greater than 2 volts
applied to it (most common usage is 12 Volts), the CR9000X will
awake, load the program in memory and run.


If the <0.8 input is shorted to ground during the CR9000X's 2 to 5
second initialization during power-up, any program set to Run On
Powerup will be disabled. This is useful if a program is in some
endless loop and communications cannot be established. Can also
be used to wake up a logger that has been shut down through
software control.

In addition to regulating and supplying power to the logger, the CR9011 keeps
track of the date and time. If the CR9000X system's CR9011 module is
swapped out, the Date/Time will need to be reset. The clock is powered off the
main 12 volt batteries. In addition, there are two backup power sources for the
clock, a lithium battery and a super capacitor, both located on the CR9011

The run time attributes (Run Now, Run on Powerup ..) of the program files are
also stored on the CR9011. If the CR9011 in the system is swapped out for
a different CR9011, the run time attribute settings will no longer be valid
and will need to be reset by the user.


Battery (voltage and current)


Program Run Attributes

See Section 1.2 System Power Requirements and Options for additional
