Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 438

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CR9000X Index

Power, Using Vehicle, 1-5
Powering up Logger, QS-3
PowerOff Instruction, 9-46
Powerup.ini file, 9-47
Precision, E-7, E-11
Print Device, E-7
Print Instruction, 9-13
Print Peripheral, E-7
Process Time, D-2
Processing, OV-20
Processing Instructions, E-7
Program - Expressions, 4-34
Program Control Instructions, E-7
Program Control, 9-13
Program Examples

Average, 4-24
BiasComp, 4-29
Calibrate, 4-29
Calibration Arrays, 4-33
CardOut, 4-23
Const, 4-19
Constants to Longs or Floats, 4-37
Data Table Access, 4-41
Data Type Conversion, 4-36
DataInterval, 4-22
Expressions, 4-20
Flags, 4-19
Inserting Comments, 4-3
Integer Evaluation, 4-37
Program Structure, 4-9, 4-10
Scan, 4-25
SlowSequence, 4-29
String Expressions, 4-38
SubScan Measurement Loop, 4-28
SubScan using CR9058E, 4-27
SubScan with VoltFilt, 4-26
TCDiff, 4-33
Use of Variable Arrays, 4-35
Variable Array, 4-11, 4-12

Program Generator, QS-12, 4-1
Program Run Attribute Hierarchy, 9-47
Program Segment to Include, 9-12
Programing Introduction, 4-1
Programming Examples, 3-9
Programming Examples

Flag Staus w/ Long, 4-18

Programming Groundwork, 4-3
Programming Structure, 4-8
PRT Instruction, 8-28
PRTCalc Instruction, 8-29
Public, E-7
Public Declaration, 5-9
Pulse Counter Module, OV-16
Pulse Measurements, 3-35, 3-38, 7-36
Pulse, E-7
PulseCount Instruction, 7-36
PulseCountReset Instruction, 7-37


Quick Connectors, 1-1


Rainflow Output Instruction, 6-27
Random Number Generator, 8-30
Random Number, 8-32
Randomize Instruction, 8-30
Read Instruction, 9-29
ReadIO Instruction, 7-39
Real Time Monitoring, QS-18
RealTime Instruction, 9-49
RectPolar Instruction, 8-31
Regulator, E-7
Remainder Function, 8-25
Replace String Function, 11-7
ResetTable Instruction, 9-50
Resistance, E-7
Resistor, E-7
Resolution, E-7, E-11
Restore Instruction, 9-29
Reverse Excitation, 3-2
Right String Function, 11-7
Ring Line (Pin 3), E-7
Ring Memory, E-7
RMS, E-8
RMSSpa Instruction, 8-31
RND Function, 8-32
Round, Arithmetic rounding, 8-32
Rounding Numeric

Ceiling, 8-10
Floor, 8-18
Round, 8-32

RS232 Port, QS-2
RS-232, E-8
RTMC Web Server, OV-26
RTMC-Pro, OV-25
Rtrim String Function, 11-7
Run on Powerup, 9-47
RunDLD File Instruction, 9-13
Running Average, 8-6
Running Average Signal Attenuation, 8-7
RX, OV-5


Safety Precautions, 1-7
Sample Output Instruction, 6-32
Sample Rate, E-8
SampleFieldCal Output Instruction, 6-31
