Campbell Scientific CR9000X Measurement and Control System User Manual

Page 159

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Section 4. CRBasic – Native Language Programming

greater than 2250 degrees F (1230 degrees C). For these
conditions a range code of 200 mV should be used.

If a voltage range code is selected for a voltage measurement and
the incorrect module is in the CR9000 slot selected for that
measurement, then a compile error will be generated upon
download. The CRBasic pre-compiler cannot determine which
module should be in each slot, and will not generate an error
code, unless the Configuration instruction is used at the top of the

See Section Differential Voltage Range for information on Range


Slot number where the first module resides. If more than one
module is required for a single measurmeent instruction, they
must reside in sequential slots.

See Section 9.1 Program Structure/Control for information on SlotConfigure.

DiffChan Channel on which first measurement should be made


Supports type T, E, K, J, B, R, S, & N thermocouples. A single
TCDiff instruction can only measure one type of thermocouple.


Variable that holds the result of the module's PRT temperature
measurement from the ModuleTemp instruction. Used as the
reference junction for the thermocouple measurements.

See Section 3.1.4 Thermocouple Measurements for information on TRef.


Set true to reverse the inputs of a differential measurement and
make a second measurement. The sign corrected average of these
two measurements is used for the result. This removes any
voltage offset errors due to the logger measurement circuitry,
including common mode errors. If this option is selected, the
measurement time will be doubled.

See Section Reversing Excitation or the Differential Input for
information on RevDiff.
