Eva5000 hsv110 controllers, Fc loop switch—bezel and front view, Figure 6 – HP 3000 Enterprise Virtual Array User Manual

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Figure 6 FC loop switch—bezel and front view


Each bezel covers two FC loop switches in a space capacity of 1U. One "U" is 44.45 mm (1.75 inches)


EVA5000 HSV110 controllers

Two high-performance HSV110 controllers are contained in one EVA5000 rack. Each controller is

contained in a separate enclosure and features:

High-performance microprocessor

An Operator Control Panel (OCP) for easy operation

Two 2-Gbps Fibre Channel-Switched Fabric host ports

Four 2-Gbps FC-AL device ports
• Arranged in redundant pairs
• Data load/performance is balanced across a pair
• Supports up to 240 disks (120 disks per pair)

1-GB cache per controller, mirrored, with battery backup

2-Gbps FC cache mirroring port with device port backups

Dual power supplies

The controller is the interface between Command View EVA and the Enterprise Virtual Array (the interface

between hosts and disks). It is the interface to your data and performs I/O correctly and reliably. Up to

18 drive enclosures are supported by one HSV110 controller pair.
Each controller pair consists of two controllers.

Figure 7

shows the controllers as they reside in the

storage system.

Enterprise Virtual Array 3000/5000 user guide (VCS 3.110)