HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual
Page 82

domain is too long or contains characters that are not allowed
in a domain name, the name is truncated to the maximum length
of a domain name and invalid characters are replaced with an
underscore ('_').
Indicates whether LDAP users are allowed to set a publish SSH
key using the CLI command setsshkey.
Allow SSH Key
Indicates the type of binding: Simple or SASL.
Indicates whether binding with SSL is used.
Indicates whether TLS protocol is used to create an encrypted
no – The LDAP server does not use TLS protocol to create an
encrypted connection (default).
try – The LDAP server attempts to start the TLS protocol, but
binding proceeds even if TLS cannot start.
require – The LDAP server most start the TLS protocol to continue.
Indicates whether a valid server certificate should be required
to in order to proceed.
Use Certificate
The name of the host LDAP server.
LDAP Server Name
Group Distinguished Name. Indicates the base of the subtree
in the DIT to search for objects that hold group information.
Group DN
The attribute in the group object that holds the group‘s name.
(The default is cn.)
Group Name Attribute
A concatenation of the value of the User Attribute, the username,
and the value of the User Base DN.
User Base DN
Used to form a DN for simple binding. When it ends with a
backslash, the DN is the concatenation of the value of User
User Attribute
Attribute and the username. When the attribute does not end
with a backslash, it is as described for the User Base DN
variable. (The default is uid.)
The attribute that holds the name of a group of which the user
is a member. (The default is memberUid.)
Member Attribute
Indicates the objectClass attribute of a group object. (The default
is posixGroup.)
Group Object Class
The version number of the certificate.
(shown if the value of
the Use Certificate field
is Yes.)
Who the certificate is issued to.
Issued to
Who the certificate is issued by.
Issued by
Dates the certificate is valid.
Valid from
Managing LDAP with Security & Domains Manager