Descriptors filter, Host set details paths tab, Host set details host explorer tab – HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual

Page 117: Host set details virtual volumes tab

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Descriptors Filter

For each host listed, the Descriptors screen displays the information entered in the Location, IP
Address, Operating System, Model, Contact, and Comments fields in the Descriptors group box at
the time the host was created or edited.

Host Set Details Paths Tab

The Host Set Details Paths screen provides the following information:



The host’s WWN or iSCSI name.


The name of the host.

Host Name

The domain of which the host is a member.


The type of host path (for example, FC, iSCSI).


The host port location in Node:Slot:Port format.


The iSCSI IP address, if applicable.

iSCSI IP Address

Host Set Details Host Explorer Tab

The information displayed on this screen is the same as that in

“Host Explorer Tab” (page 102)


Host Set Details Virtual Volumes Tab

The information displayed on this screen is the same as that in the list pane of

“Viewing the Virtual

Volumes Tab” (page 169)


Viewing Host Set Details