HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual
Page 78

(Optional) Select the Use SSL checkbox to use binding with SSL.
For Simple binding:
Select a value in the Start-TLS list:
no – The LDAP server does not use TLS protocol to create an encrypted connection (default).
try – The LDAP server attempts to start the TLS protocol, but binding proceeds even if TLS
cannot start.
require – The LDAP server must start the TLS protocol to continue.
Enter the Group DN (the Distinguished Name for groups).
Enter the User Base DN. The authentication process attempts to bind the user to an entry
in the server's DIT (directory information tree). The DN (distinguished name) of the entry
is a concatenation of the value of user-attr, "=", the username, ",", and the value of
user-dn-base. If group-obj is set to posixGroup, the value of the user-dn-base is also used
as the base for searching for the user‘s posixAccount entry, regardless of binding type.
Enter the Group Object Class attribute. The Active Directory default is posixGroup.
Enter the Group Name Attribute. The Active Directory default is cn.
Enter the User Attribute to form a DN for binding. The Active Directory default is uid.
Enter the Member Attribute that contains the names of the users. The Active Directory
default is memberUid.
(Optional) Select the Use Certificate checkbox to require a valid server certificate. If you
select the checkbox, the Enter Certificate button is enabled. You are then required to
provide an LDAP server name.
Click the Enter Certificate button to display the Certificate dialog box. You can either
select a local Certificate File or paste the copied certificate text into the text box
provided. For more information, see
Enter the host LDAP Server Name.
Managing LDAP with Security & Domains Manager