Restrictions, Examples – HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual

Page 257

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The no_mirror_config specifier should only be used to allow recovery from an

unusual error condition and only used after consulting your HP representative.

The new name for the indicated target. This specifier can only be used with the name

Specifies the maximum throughput for the indicated target's links, and is used to limit the total
throughput of the links. The throughput value can take a [g|G] suffix (gigabytes), [m|M] suffix
(megabytes) or [k|K] suffix (kilobytes) to indicate size (with no space between the specified
value and size type). The default is kilobytes. Specifying a value of 0 removes the throughput.
This specifier can only be used with the tput subcommand.

The measured bandwidth of the connection to the target, specified in kilobytes (kB) per second.
This specifier can only be used with the tunelinks subcommand.

The measured round-trip latency of the connection to the target, specified in milliseconds (ms).
This specifier can only be used with the tunelinks subcommand.


This command requires the HP 3PAR Remote Copy Software license. Contact your local service
provider for further information.

If the mirror_config policy is set and the setrcopytarget command is issued with the

subcommand, the duplicated configuration commands cannot be issued on the secondary.

Doing so results in an error.

The name and tput subcommands cannot be used on a target with started groups.

There must be an active connection between the systems in the Remote Copy pair in order to
issue commands on the primary system to be mirrored to the backup system. If there is no
connection, the commands will return an error.


The following example turns off configuration mirroring from System1 to System2, where

is a secondary target on System1 that points at System2:

On System1:

# setrcopytarget pol no_mirror_config System2_out


The setrcopytarget command requires the groups associated with it be stopped prior to
using the following options:

setrcopytarget name

setrcopytarget tput

The setrcopytarget command with the following arguments can be run without bringing
down its Remote Copy groups:

setrcopytarget pol

setrcopytarget tunelinks

Under normal operating conditions the mirror_config policy should never be changed to

. This policy option is included only as a method to correct several

unusual error conditions that might occur in the course of operation which result in a mismatch
in configuration between the two sides of a Remote Copy pair. For instance, it is possible for


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