24 remote copy pairs and targets, Remote copy pairs, Overview of targets – HP 3PAR Operating System Software User Manual
Page 181: Target definitions
24 Remote Copy Pairs and Targets
For more information on:
“Remote Copy Pairs” (page 181)
The foundational Remote Copy system relationship
“Overview of Targets” (page 181)
Why Remote Copy uses targets
“Target Definitions” (page 181)
How to determine the target definition for a system or
volume group
“Remote Copy Target System” (page 182)
The target system, and data flow between systems under
various circumstances
Remote Copy Pairs
Remote Copy configurations and operations are based on the Remote Copy pair. A Remote Copy
pair is a linked pair of storage systems.
In a Remote Copy pair, one system is the primary system and one the backup system. The primary
system holds the primary virtual volumes, and the backup system holds the secondary virtual
volumes. Secondary virtual volumes contain virtual copies of the primary virtual volumes.
Additional Information:
“Deciding on a Remote Copy Configuration” (page 14)
Overview of Targets
When you set up Remote Copy, you configure the backup system in the Remote Copy pair as the
target of the primary system, and the primary system as the target of the backup system.
Creating targets on both systems in a Remote Copy pair:
links the systems
allows for data flow in either direction, depending on the configuration and on temporary
situations such as downtime or failure and disaster recovery
Additional Information:
“System Roles and Direction of Data Flow” (page 182)
“Setting Up a Unidirectional Configuration” (page 67)
Target Definitions
A target definition identifies the target system for Remote Copy operations. The target system is
the other system in the Remote Copy pair.
You specify target definitions for each system during Remote Copy setup.
A target definitions is simply the name of the other storage system in the Remote Copy pair.
For example, in a System1/System2 Remote Copy pair:
On System1 you specify a target definition of System2.
On System2 you specify a target definition of System1.
The name used for the target definition is not required to match the system name.
Remote Copy Pairs