Unit calculations – HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 450

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Units and constants


The Units menu includes an entry that is not a unit

category, namely, Prefix. Selecting this option displays

a palette of prefixes.

Unit prefixes provide a handy way of entering large or

small numbers. For example, the speed of light is

approximately 300,000 m/s. If you wanted to use that in

a calculation, you could enter it as 300_km/s, with the

prefix k selected from the prefix palette.

Select the prefix you want before selecting the unit.

Unit calculations

A number plus a unit is a measurement. You can perform

calculations with multiple measurements providing that the

units of each measurement are from the same category.

For example, you can add two measurements of length

(even lengths of different units, as illustrated in the

following example). But you cannot add, say, a length

measurement to a volume measurement.

Y: yotta

Z: zetta

E: exa

P: peta

T: tera

G: giga

M: mega k: kilo

h: hecto

D: deca

d: deci

c: centi

m: milli

: micro

n: nano

p: pico

f: femto

a: atto

z: zepto

y: octo