HP Prime Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 121

background image

Function app


expressions selected in Symbolic view: 1–x and


–3. You can also scroll through the columns

of the dependant variables (labeled F1 and F2 in the

illustration above).
You can also scroll the table vertically or horizontally
using tap and drag gestures.

To go directly to a


17. Place the cursor in the

X column and type

the desired value. For
example, to jump
straight to the row
where x = 10:
1 0

To access the zoom


Numerous zoom options are available by tapping

. These are explained in “Zoom” on

page 100. A quick way to zoom in (or zoom out) is
to press




). This zooms in (or out) by the

Num Zoom value set in the Numeric Setup view
(see page 115). The default value is 4. Thus if the
current increment (that is, the

Num Step

value) is

0.4, zooming in on the row whose x-value is 10 will
further divide that interval into four smaller intervals.
So instead of x-values of 10, 10.4, 10,8, 11.2 etc.,
the x-values will be 10, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, etc.
(Zooming out does the opposite: 10, 10.4, 10,8,
11.2 etc. become 10, 11.6, 13.2, 14.8, 16.4, etc.)

Other options

As explained on page page 104, you can also:

change the size of the font: small, medium, or large

display the definition responsible for generating a
column of values

choose to show 1, 2, 3, or 4 columns of function

You can also combine Plot and Numeric view. See
“Custom tables” on page 103.