Setting system event transmit options – Edwards Signaling FSC Series User Manual
Page 61
Chapter 4: Dialer programming
FSC Series Technical Reference Manual
Setting system event transmit options
Table 18 lists the set of system event transmit options and their default values.
Review Table 18 and change values as required. If you don’t need to make any
changes, go to “Setting IDC event transmit options“ on page 54.
Table 18: System event transmit options
Option Description
CS Test Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits a
test signal when the control panel is in the
normal state
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
CS AB Tst Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits a
test signal when the control panel is in an
abnormal state
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Walk Tst Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the control panel is
placed in walk test mode
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Drill Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when notification appliance
circuits are manually activated
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: None
Reset Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the control panel is reset
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Prog Mode Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the control panel is
placed in program mode
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Dialer Dis Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the dialer is disabled
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Panel Sil Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the control panel is
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: None
Signal Sil Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when notification appliance
circuits are automatically or manually
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: None
Gnd Flt Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the control panel detects
an earth ground connection
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1
Low Batt Rcvr
Determines where the dialer transmits an
event code when the battery voltage is
between 19.4 and 21.4 VDC
CS 1, CS 2, CS 1 & 2, or None
Default: CS 1