Setting dialer options – Edwards Signaling FSC Series User Manual

Page 59

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Chapter 4: Dialer programming

FSC Series Technical Reference Manual


Option Description


Retry Count 1

Determines how many times the dialer will
attempt to call account 1 before indicating
a delivery trouble

5 to 10

Default: 5

Retry Time 1

Determines how many seconds the dialer
waits between retry attempts

5 to 10

Default: 5


To meet UL 864 9th edition requirements, set Restore Type 1 to Send Restores.

Table 16: Account 2 options

Option Description


RCVR2 Phone 1

Account 2’s first telephone number

0 to 9, A, B, asterisk (*), pound
sign (#), and comma (,) up to
20 characters

Default: Blank

RCVR2 Phone 2

Account 2’s second telephone number

0 to 9, A, B, asterisk (*), pound
sign (#), and comma (,) up to
20 characters

Default: Blank

RCVR2 Acct Code Account 2’s identification number

0 to 9, and A to F

Default: FFFF

Alarm Format 2

Determines the format of event codes sent
to account 2

Contact ID or EST 4x2

Default: Contact ID

Restore Type 2

Determines if event restoration codes are
sent to account 2

Send Restores or No Restores

Default: Send Restores

Retry Count 2

Determines how many times the dialer will
attempt to call account 1 before indicating
a delivery trouble

5 to 10

Default: 5

Retry Time 2

Determines how many seconds the dialer
waits between retry attempts

5 to 10

Default: 5


To meet UL 864 9th edition requirements, set Restore Type 2 to Send Restores.

Setting dialer options

Table 17 lists the set of options for the dialer and their default values.

Review Table 17 and change values as required. If you don’t need to make any
changes, go to “Setting system event transmit options“ on page 53.