Edwards Signaling FSC Series User Manual
Page 60
Chapter 4: Dialer programming
FSC Series Technical Reference Manual
Table 17: Dialer options
Option Description
Line 1 Dialing
Determines whether LINE 1 is connected
to a touch tone phone system or a rotary
dial phone system
Tone or Pulse
Default: Pulse
Line 1 Supv Dur [1] Determines how long the dialer waits
before reporting a line cut or ground fault
(if selected) on LINE 1
0 to 200 seconds. 0 turns line
supervision off.
Default: 200 seconds.
Line 2 Dialing
Determines whether LINE 2 is connected
to a touch tone phone system or a rotary
dial phone system
Tone or Pulse
Default: Pulse
Line 2 Supv Dur [1] Determines how long the dialer waits
before reporting a line cut or ground fault
(if selected) on LINE 2
0 to 200 seconds. 0 turns line
supervision off.
Default: 200 seconds.
Blind Call Dial
Determines whether the dialer can dial out
without waiting for a dial tone
Yes or No
Default: No
Line GF Check [2] Determines whether LINE 1 and LINE 2
are supervised for ground faults
Yes or No
Default: Yes
Tx Test Time
Determines when the dialer transmits a
test signal
00:00 (midnight) to 23:59
(11:59 p.m.)
Default: 2:17 a.m.
Tx Tst Frequency
Determines how often the dialer transmits
a test signal
00 to 45 days
Default: 01 (daily)
Rings to Answer
Determines how many rings it takes before
the dialer answers
01 to 15
Default: 05
Ring Type
Determines the ring pattern that the dialer
Any or Normal (2 seconds on,
4 seconds off)
Default: Any
Callback Enable
Determines whether the callback security
feature is enabled
Yes or No
Default: No
Callback #
The telephone number that the dialer dials
out when the callback security feature is
0 to 9, A, B, asterisk (*), pound
sign (#), and comma (,) up to
20 characters
Default: Blank
[1] To meet UL 864 9th edition requirements, set Line 1 Supv Dur and Line 2 Supv Dur to a value
between 1 and 200.
[2] To meet UL 864 9th edition requirements, set Line GF Check to Yes.
[3] To meet UL 864 9th edition requirements, set Tx Tst Frequency to 01.