Clearing bgp4+ neighbor diagnostic buffers, Closing or resetting a bgp4+ neighbor session – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

Page 332

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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide


Clearing BGP4+ information


Clear diagnostic buffers.

Close a session, or reset a session and resend or receive an update.

Clear traffic counters.

Clear route flap dampening statistics.

Clearing BGP4+ neighbor diagnostic buffers

You can clear the following BGP4+ neighbor diagnostic information in buffers:

The first 400 bytes of the last packet that contained an error.

The last NOTIFICATION message either sent or received by the neighbor.

To display these buffers, use the last-packet-with-error keyword with the show ipv6 bgp neighbors
command. For more information about this command, refer to

“Displaying last error packet from a

BGP4+ neighbor”

on page 346.

You can clear the buffers for all neighbors, for an individual neighbor, or for all the neighbors within
a specific AS.

To clear these buffers for neighbor 2001:db8:e0ff:37::1, enter the following commands at the
Privileged EXEC level or any of the Config levels of the CLI.

Virtual ADX# clear ipv6 bgp neighbor 2001:db8:e0ff:37::1 last-packet-with-error

Virtual ADX# clear ipv6 bgp neighbor 2001:db8:e0ff:37::1 notification-errors

Syntax: clear ipv6 bgp neighbor all | ipv6-address | as-number

last-packet-with-error | notification-errors

The all | ipv6-address | as-num specifies the neighbor. The ipv6-address parameter specifies a
neighbor by its IPv6 address. You must specify this address in hexadecimal using 16-bit values
between colons as documented in RFC 2373. The as-num parameter specifies all neighbors within
the specified AS. The all keyword specifies all neighbors.

The last-packet-with-error keyword clears the buffer containing the first 400 bytes of the last packet
that contained errors.

The notification-errors keyword clears the notification error code for the last NOTIFICATION
message sent or received.

Closing or resetting a BGP4+ neighbor session

You can close a neighbor session or resend route updates to a neighbor. You can specify all
neighbors, a single neighbor, or all neighbors within a specific AS.

If you close a neighbor session, the Virtual ADX and the neighbor clear all the routes they learned
from each other. When the Virtual ADX and neighbor establish a new BGP4+ session, they
exchange route tables again. Use this method if you want the Virtual ADX device to relearn routes
from the neighbor and resend its own route table to the neighbor.

If you use the soft-outbound keyword, the Virtual ADX device compiles a list of all the routes it
would normally send to the neighbor at the beginning of a session. However, before sending the
updates, the Virtual ADX also applies the filters and route maps you have configured to the list of
routes. If the filters or route maps result in changes to the list of routes, the Virtual ADX sends
updates to advertise, change, or even withdraw routes on the neighbor as needed. This ensures