Advertising the default bgp4+ route – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

Page 327

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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide



Configuring BGP4+


Virtual ADX(config-bgp-ipv6u)# neighbor fe80:4398:ab30:45de::1 route-map out


Virtual ADX(config-bgp-ipv6u)# exit

Virtual ADX(config)# route-map next-hop permit 10

Virtual ADX(config-route-map)# match ipv6 address prefix-list next-hop-ipv6

Virtual ADX(config-route-map)# set ipv6 next-hop 2001:db8:e0ff:3764::34

This route map applies to the BGP4+ unicast address family under which the neighbor route-map
command is entered. This route map applies to the outgoing routes on the neighbor with the IPv6
link-local address fe80:4393:ab30:45de::1. If an outgoing route on the neighbor matches the
route map, the route is distributed through the next hop router with the global IPv6 address

Syntax: neighbor ipv6-address route-map [in | out] name

The ipv6-address parameter specifies the IPv6 link-local address of the neighbor. A link-local
address has a fixed prefix of fe80::/10. You must specify the ipv6-address parameter in
hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as documented in RFC 2373.

The in keyword applies the route map to incoming routes. The out keyword applies the route map to
outgoing routes.

The name parameter specifies a route map name.

Syntax: route-map name deny | permit sequence-number

The name parameter specifies a route map name.

The deny keyword denies the distribution of routes that match the route map. The permit keyword
permits the distribution of routes that match the route map.

The sequence-number parameter specifies a sequence number for the route map statement.

Syntax: match ipv6 address prefix-list name

The match ipv6 address prefix-list command distributes any routes that have a destination IPv6
address permitted by a prefix list.

The name parameter specifies an IPv6 prefix list name.

Syntax: set ipv6 next-hop ipv6-address

The ipv6-address parameter specifies the IPv6 global address of the next-hop router. You must
specify the ipv6-address parameter in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as
documented in RFC 2373.

Advertising the default BGP4+ route

By default, the BGP4+ device does not originate and advertise a default BGP4+ route. A default
route is the IPv6 address :: and the route prefix 0; that is, ::/0.

You can enable the BGP4+ device to advertise the default BGP4+ route by specifying the
default-information-originate command at the BGP4+ unicast address family configuration level.
Before entering this command, the default route ::/0 must be present in the IPv6 route table.

To enable the BGP4+ device to advertise the default route, enter the following command:

Virtual ADX(config-bgp-ipv6u)# default-information-originate

Syntax: [no] default-information-originate