Setting a message of the day banner, Setting a privileged exec cli level banner – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide



Configuring basic system parameters


Setting a message of the day banner

You can configure the Brocade device to display a message on a user’s terminal when he or she
establishes a Telnet CLI session. For example, to display the message “Welcome to Brocade Virtual
ADX!” when a Telnet CLI session is established.

Virtual ADX(config)# banner motd $ (Press Return)

Enter TEXT message, End with the character '$'.

Welcome to Brocade Virtual ADX!! $

A delimiting character is established on the first line of the banner motd command. You begin and
end the message with this delimiting character. The delimiting character can be any character
except “(double-quotation mark) and cannot appear in the banner text. In this example, the
delimiting character is $ (dollar sign). The text in between the dollar signs is the contents of the
banner. The banner text can be up to 2047 characters long and can consist of multiple lines. To
remove the banner, enter the no banner motd command.

Syntax: [no] banner delimiting-character | [motd delimiting-character]


The banner delimiting-character command is equivalent to the banner motd delimiting-character

Setting a privileged EXEC CLI level banner

You can configure the Brocade device to display a message when a user enters the Privileged EXEC
CLI level. For example:

Virtual ADX(config)# banner exec_mode # (Press Return)

Enter TEXT message, End with the character '#'.

You are entering Privileged EXEC level

Don’t foul anything up! #

As with the banner motd command, you begin and end the message with a delimiting character; in
this example, the delimiting character is # (pound sign). To remove the banner, enter the no banner
exec_mode command.

Syntax: [no] banner exec_mode delimiting-character

Displaying a message on the Console when an incoming Telnet session Is

You can configure the Brocade device to display a message on the Console when a user
establishes a Telnet session. This message indicates where the user is connecting from and
displays a configurable text message.

For example:

Virtual ADX(config)# banner incoming $ (Press Return)

Enter TEXT message, End with the character '$'.

Incoming Telnet Session!! $

When a user connects to the CLI using Telnet, the following message appears on the Console.

Telnet from

Incoming Telnet Session!!

Syntax: [no] banner incoming delimiting-character