Aggregating routes advertised to bgp4 neighbors – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

Page 329

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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide



Configuring BGP4+


By using a route map to filter which routes to redistribute, for example, the Virtual ADX device
redistributes specified IPv6 static routes only.

For example, to configure the redistribution of all OSPF routes into the BGP4+ unicast database,
enter the following commands at the BGP4+ address family configuration level:

Virtual ADX(config-bgp-ipv6u)# redistribute ospf

Syntax: redistribute protocol [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] [match external1 | external2 | internal]

[metric metric-value] [route-map name]

The protocol parameter can be connected, ospf, or static.

If you specify ospf as the protocol, you can optionally specify the redistribution of external 1,
external 2, or internal routes. (The default is internal.)

The metric metric-value parameter specifies the metric used for the redistributed route. If a value is
not specified for this option, and no value is specified using the default-metric command at the
BGP4+ unicast address family configuration level, the metric value for the IPv6 static or IPv6 OSPF
route is used. Use a value consistent with the destination protocol. For more information about the
default-metric command, see

“Configuring BGP4+”

on page 310.

The name parameter specifies a route map name.

Aggregating routes advertised to BGP4 neighbors

By default, a Virtual ADX advertises individual BGP4+ routes for all the networks. The aggregation
feature allows you to configure a Virtual ADX to aggregate routes in a range of networks into a
single IPv6 prefix. For example, without aggregation, a Virtual ADX will individually advertise routes
for networks ff00:f000:0001:0000::/64, ff00:f000:0002:0000::/64,ff00:f000:0003:0000::/64,
and so on. You can configure the Virtual ADX to instead send a single, aggregate route for the
networks. The aggregate route would be advertised as ff00:f000::/24 to BGP4 neighbors.

To aggregate BGP4+ routes for ff00:f000:0001:0000::/64,
ff00:f000:0002:0000::/64,ff00:f000:0003:0000::/64, enter the following command.

Virtual ADX(config)# router bgp

Virtual ADX(config-bgp-router)# address-family ipv6 unicast

Virtual ADX(config-bgp-router)# aggregate-address ff00:f000::/24 summary-only

Syntax: aggregate-address ipv6-prefix/prefix-length [as-set] [summary-only] [suppress-map

map-name] [advertise-map map-name] [attribute-map map-name]

The ipv6-prefix/prefix-length parameter specifies the aggregate value for the networks. You must
specify the ipv6-prefix parameter in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as
documented in RFC 2373. You must specify the prefix-length parameter as a decimal value. A slash
mark (/) must follow the ipv6-prefix parameter and precede the prefix-length parameter.

The as-set keyword causes the device to aggregate AS-path information for all the routes in the
aggregate address into a single AS-path.

The summary-only keyword prevents the device from advertising more specific routes contained
within the aggregate route.

The suppress-map map-name parameter prevents the more specific routes contained in the
specified route map from being advertised.

The advertise-map map-name parameter configures the device to advertise the more specific
routes in the specified route map.