Matching based on bgp4 static network, Matching based on interface – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual
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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide
The acl parameter specifies the name of a community list ACL. You can specify up to five ACLs.
Separate the ACL names or IDs with spaces.
Virtual ADX(config)# ip community-list standard std_2 permit 23:45 56:78
Virtual ADX(config)# route-map bgp3 permit 1
Virtual ADX(config-routemap bgp3)# match community std_1 std_2 exact-match
These commands configure an additional community ACL, std_2, that contains community
numbers 23:45 and 57:68. Route map bgp3 compares each BGP4 route against the sets of
communities in ACLs std_1 and std_2. A BGP4 route that contains either but not both sets of
communities matches the route map. For example, a route containing communities 23:45 and
57:68 matches. However, a route containing communities 23:45, 57:68 and 12:34, or
communities 23:45, 57:68, 12:34, and no-export does not match. To match, the route
communities must be the same as those in exactly one of the community ACLs used by the match
community statement.
Matching based on BGP4 static network
The match option has been added to the route-map command that allows you to match on a BGP4
static network. In the following example, the route-map is configured to match on the BGP4 static
network. The device is then configured to advertise to the core BGP4 peer (IP address only the BGP4 static routes and nothing else.
Virtual ADX(config)# route-map policygroup3 permit 10
Virtual ADX(config-routemap policygroup3)# match protocol bgp static-network
Virtual ADX(config-routemap policygroup3)# set local-preference 150
Virtual ADX(config-routemap policygroup3)# match community no-export
Virtual ADX(config-routemap policygroup3)# exit
Virtual ADX(config)# router bgp
Virtual ADX(config-bgp-router)# neighbor route-map out policymap3
Syntax: [no] match protocol bgp [external|internal|static-network]
The match protocol bgp external option will match the eBGP routes.
The match protocol bgp internal option will match the iBGP routes.
The match protocol bgp static-network option will match the static-network BGP4 route, applicable
at BGP4 outbound policy only.
Matching based on interface
The match option has been added to the route-map command that distributes any routes that have
their next hop out one of the interfaces specified. This feature operates with the following
The match interface option can only use the interface name (for example ethernet 1/2) and
not the IP address as an argument.
The match interface option is only effective during redistribution and does not apply for other
route map usage such as: bgp outbound route update policy.
The match interface option can be applied to other types of redistribution such as
redistributing OSPF routes to BGP4, or filtering out all OSPF routes that point to a specific