Defining an as-path acl, Using regular expressions – Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual

Page 261

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Brocade Virtual ADX Switch and Router Guide





AS-path filters or AS-path ACLs can be referred to by the filter list number of a BGP4 neighbor as
well as by match clauses in a route map.

Defining an AS-path ACL

To configure an AS-path list that uses “acl 1”, enter a command such as the following.

Virtual ADX(config)# ip as-path access-list acl1 permit 100

Virtual ADX(config)# router bgp

Virtual ADX(config-bgp)# neighbor filter-list acl1 in

Syntax: [no] ip as-path access-list string [seq seq-value] deny | permit regular-expression

The ip as-path command configures an AS-path ACL that permits routes containing AS number 100
in their AS paths. The neighbor command then applies the AS-path ACL to advertisements and
updates received from neighbor In this example, the only routes the device permits
from neighbor are those whose AS-paths contain AS-path number 100.

The string parameter specifies the ACL name. (If you enter a number, the CLI interprets the number
as a text string.)

The seq seq-value parameter is optional and specifies the sequence number for the AS-path list. If
you do not specify a sequence number, the software numbers in increments of 5, beginning with
number 5. The software interprets the entries in an AS-path list in numerical order, beginning with
the lowest sequence number.

The deny | permit parameter specifies the action the software takes if the AS-path list for a route
matches a match clause in this ACL. To configure the AS-path match clauses in a route map, use
the match as-path command. Refer to

“Matching based on AS-path ACL”

on page 255.

The regular-expression parameter specifies the AS path information you want to permit or deny to
routes that match any of the match clauses within the ACL. You can enter a specific AS number or
use a regular expression.

The neighbor command uses the filter-list parameter to apply the AS-path ACL to the neighbor.
Refer to

“Configuring BGP4 neighbors”

on page 228.

Using regular expressions

Use a regular expression for the as-path parameter to specify a single character or multiple
characters as a filter pattern. If the AS-path matches the pattern specified in the regular
expression, the filter evaluation is true; otherwise, the evaluation is false.

You can also include special characters that influence the way the software matches the AS-path
against the filter value.

To filter on a specific single-character value, enter the character for the as-path parameter. For
example, to filter on AS-paths that contain the letter “z”, enter the following command:

Virtual ADX(config-bgp)# ip as-path access-list acl1 permit z

To filter on a string of multiple characters, enter the characters in brackets. For example, to filter on
AS-paths that contain “x”, “y”, or “z”, enter the following command.

Virtual ADX(config-bgp)# ip as-path access-list acl1 permit [xyz]