Tuning the pid parameters, Programming the home page – Watlow EZ-ZONE PM PID User Manual

Page 89

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Watlow EZ-ZONE


PM PID Controller


Chapter 9 Features

Programming the Home Page

Watlow’s patented user-defined menu system improves operational efficiency. The user-defined Home Page

provides you with a shortcut to monitor or change the parameter values that you use most often.

You can create your own Home Page with as many as 20 of the active parameters. When a parameter nor-

mally located in the Setup Page or Operations Page is placed in the Home Page, it is accessible through both.

If you change a parameter in the Home Page, it is automatically changed in its original page. If you change a

parameter in its original page it is automatically changed in the Home Page.

The default parameters will automatically appear in the Home Page.
Change the list of parameters in the Home Page from the Custom Menu [CUSt] (Factory Page).

Tuning the PID Parameters


When an autotune is performed on the EZ-ZONE PM, the set point is used to calculate the tuning set point.

For example, if the active set point is 200° and Autotune Set Point [A;tSP] (Operations Page, Loop Menu)

is set to 90 percent, the autotune function utilizes 180° for tuning. This is also how autotuning works in pre-

vious Watlow Winona controllers. In addition, changing the active set point in previous controllers causes the

autotune function to restart; where with the EZ-ZONE PM changing the set point after an autotune has been

started has no affect.

A new feature in EZ-ZONE PM products will allow set point changes while the control is autotuning, this

includes while running a profile or ramping. When the auto tune is initially started it will use the current set

point and will disregard all set point changes until the tuning process is complete. Once complete, the con-

troller will then use the new set point.

This is why it is a good idea to enter the active set point before initiating an autotune.
Autotuning calculates the optimum heating and/or cooling PID parameter settings based on the system's

response. Autotuning can be enabled whether or not TUNE-TUNE+


is enabled. The PID settings gener-

ated by the autotune will be used until

the autotune feature is rerun, the PID

values are manually adjusted or TRU-



is enabled.

To initiate an autotune, set Autotune


(Operations Page, Loop Menu) to


. You should not autotune while

a profile is running. If the autotune

cannot be completed in 60 minutes, the

autotune will time-out and the original

settings will take effect.

The lower display will flash between


and the set point while the au-

totuning is underway. The temperature

must cross the Autotune Set Point five

times to complete the autotuning pro-

cess. Once complete, the controller con-

trols at the normal set point, using the

new parameters.

Select a set point for the tune with

Autotune Set Point. The Autotune Set

Point is expressed as a percent of the Closed Loop Set Point.

If you need to adjust the tuning procedure's aggressiveness, use Autotune Aggressiveness [T;Agr] (Setup

Page, Loop Menu). Select under damped [Undr] to bring the process value to the set point quickly. Se-

lect over damped [ouer] to bring the process value to the set point with minimal overshoot. Select critical

damped [Crit] to balance a rapid response with minimal overshoot.



Autotune begins

Process Set Point

Autotune Set Point

(90 percent of Process Set Point)

Autotune complete