Device emulation (advanced mode) – Teledyne LeCroy Conquest User Manual - Users Manual User Manual

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Device Emulation (Optional)


Device Emulation (Advanced Mode)

To overcome some limitations of Easy Device Emulation, such as constant
data payload for In endpoints, Advance Device Emulation provides
Command Sets to respond with different pre-defined data to host requests.
Each command MUST start with Out or Setup Transaction, along with a
unique data pattern defined in its Data Payload. Each command acts as a
State machine and works as in the following example:

1. Advanced Device Emulator waits for Token Out from the USB Host.
2. Advanced Device Emulator waits for the command pattern defined in

Data Payload.

3. Advanced Device Emulator responds with a Defined Handshake (Ack in

this example).

4. Advanced Device Emulator waits for Token In.
5. Advanced Device Emulator responds with a data packet (automatically

defined with the Advanced Device Emulator) and the user-defined
Data Payload.

6. Advanced Device Emulator waits for the user-defined Handshake (Ack

in this example).

7. Finally, Advanced Device Emulator exits from the state machine and

waits for another command from the USB Host.

Note: If an event does not occur as expected, Conquest exits the state machine and

waits for another command from the USB Host.