Teledyne LeCroy Conquest User Manual - Users Manual User Manual

Page 144

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Device Emulation (Optional)


Error Types

Check error type boxes from the available errors
listed in the Error Types group box for errors to


Checking this option for OUT endpoint causes the
data received from the Host for the OUT endpoint to
return to the Host on the IN endpoint with the same
endpoint number. The IN endpoint is automatically
selected when you check Loopback. Do not define
another IN Endpoint, because checking Loopback
does it automatically. Packet Size controls the data
packet size for the IN endpoint. Buffer Size controls
how many bytes to buffer for the OUT endpoint. If this
limit is exceeded, the Endpoint responds with a NAK.

Enable Endpoint Class Descriptor

Clicking this checkbox returns additional data as part of the
Endpoint Descriptor.

Define Additional Requests

Additional requests include requests for Independent Descriptors,
String Descriptors, and Class Requests. You can define Device Emulation
responses to these requests by clicking the Class Requests\Other

Figure 102 Additional Requests Response Definition