GE Industrial Solutions Entellisys 4.0 System User Manual User Manual
Page 240

Alarms and events
A.2 Alarms and events description and system
troubleshooting guide
– Indicates a waveform capture is performed when the option is available.
Attention or Attn: An issue has been identified that must be addressed immediately.
Table A-2 Sequence of events description and troubleshooting guide
Notes and Troubleshooting tips
HMI Internal Operations
HMI Startup
Logged whenever the HMI application is
HMI Shutdown
Logged whenever the HMI application is
Caution: Event Log size reached
Max Limit for [CPU A/B]. Event
retrieval stopped
The maximum local storage limit for events
has been exceeded for the day.
The maximum size of the daily event log is
typically much greater than what one would
see in a typical healthy system. The
maximum size can be set in the SOE
preferences window. When this event occurs,
it is best to see what type of events are filling
the log and diagnose that area of the system.
If the events are legitimate, it is possible to
set the log to overwrite mode which will
retain only the more recent events for any
given day.
Event Log Read Resumed for
If event logging had been stopped for any
reason, it has now resumed due to user
interaction or transition to a new day.
Note: Event Log File for [CPU
A/B] Exceeds [n]MB.New File
Individual Event Log files are limited to the
maximum size specified in the settings to
keep them more manageable. New files are
created once existing ones reach a certain
Caution: Event Log File
Overwrite Attempt Failed for
[CPU A/B].New Log Created
When event logs are set to overwrite mode,
an error writing to the file will result in the
creation of a new.
Contact GE Post Sales Service (see
Note: Event Log for [CPU A/B]
Overwritten OK
No problems were encountered overwriting
an existing log file.
Note: Deleting All Event Log,
Fault Report and Waveform
Files Older than [nn] Days
Logged when the HMI deletes older logs as
specified in the event log settings.
Invalid Login Attempt By Login
Logged when an invalid or mismatched
username and password combination is
used to attempt a log in.
Contact the System Administrator for the
correct username and password, or contact
GE Post Sales Service if it has been lost or