Jtag interface and on-chip debug system, Features, Overview – Rainbow Electronics ATmega128L User Manual

Page 238: Test access port – tap, Atmega128(l), Jtag interface and on-chip debug system features

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JTAG Interface and
On-chip Debug


JTAG (IEEE std. 1149.1 Compliant) Interface

Boundary-scan Capabilities According to the IEEE std. 1149.1 (JTAG) Standard

Debugger Access to:

– All Internal Peripheral Units
– Internal and External RAM
– The Internal Register File
– Program Counter
– EEPROM and Flash Memories

Extensive On-chip Debug Support for Break Conditions, Including

– AVR Break Instruction
– Break on Change of Program Memory Flow
– Single Step Break
– Program Memory Breakpoints on Single Address or Address Range
– Data Memory Breakpoints on Single Address or Address Range

Programming of Flash, EEPROM, Fuses, and Lock Bits through the JTAG Interface

On-chip Debugging Supported by AVR Studio


The AVR IEEE std. 1149.1 compliant JTAG interface can be used for

Testing PCBs by using the JTAG Boundary-scan capability

Programming the non-volatile memories, fuses and lock-bits

On-chip debugging

A brief description is given in the following sections. Detailed descriptions for Program-
ming via the JTAG interface, and using the Boundary-scan Chain can be found in the

“Programming Via the JTAG Interface” on page 297 and “IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG)

Boundary-scan” on page 244, respectively. The On-chip Debug support is considered
being private JTAG instructions, and distributed within ATMEL and to selected 3rd party
vendors only.

Figure 119 shows a block diagram of the JTAG interface and the On-chip Debug sys-
tem. The TAP Controller is a state machine controlled by the TCK and TMS signals. The
TAP Controller selects either the JTAG Instruction Register or one of several Data Reg-
isters as the scan chain (shift register) between the TDI – input and TDO – output. The
Instruction Register holds JTAG instructions controlling the behavior of a Data Register.

The ID-Register, Bypass Register, and the Boundary-scan Chain are the Data Registers
used for board-level testing. The JTAG Programming Interface (actually consisting of
several physical and virtual Data Registers) is used for serial programming via the JTAG
interface. The Internal Scan Chain and Break-Point Scan Chain are used for On-chip
debugging only.

Test Access Port – TAP

The JTAG interface is accessed through four of the AVR’s pins. In JTAG terminology,
these pins constitute the Test Access Port –– TAP. These pins are:

TMS: Test mode select. This pin is used for navigating through the TAP-controller
state machine.

TCK: Test clock. JTAG operation is synchronous to TCK.

TDI: Test Data In. Serial input data to be shifted in to the Instruction Register or Data
Register (Scan Chains).