Parallel control port pins, Arallel, Ontrol – Rainbow Electronics DS21458 User Manual

Page 24: 3 parallel control port pins

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DS21455/DS21458 Quad T1/E1/J1 Transceivers

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Signal Name:


Signal Description:

Backplane Clock

Signal Type:


A user-selectable synthesized clock output that is referenced to the clock that is output at the RCLK pin.

Signal Name:


Signal Description:

Receive Positive-Data Output

Signal Type:


Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with bipolar data out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RPOSI.

Signal Name:


Signal Description:

Receive Negative-Data Output

Signal Type:


Updated on the rising edge of RCLKO with the bipolar data out of the line interface. This pin is normally tied to RNEGI.

Signal Name:


Signal Description:

Receive Clock Output

Signal Type:


Buffered recovered clock from the network. This pin is normally tied to RCLKI.

Signal Name:

RPOSI (DS21455 Only)

Signal Description:

Receive Positive Data Input

Signal Type:


Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through the receive-side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied
together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally connected to RPOSO by tying the LIUC/TPD pin high. See the LIUC/TPD pin
description for a full explanation of the LIUC/TPD function.

Signal Name:

RNEGI (DS21455 Only)

Signal Description:

Receive Negative Data Input

Signal Type:


Sampled on the falling edge of RCLKI for data to be clocked through the receive-side framer. RPOSI and RNEGI can be tied
together for a NRZ interface. Can be internally connected to RNEGO by tying the LIUC/TPD pin high. See the LIUC/TPD pin
description for a full explanation of the LIUC/TPD function.

Signal Name:

RCLKI (DS21455 Only)

Signal Description:

Receive Clock Input

Signal Type:


Clock used to clock data through the receive-side framer. This pin is normally tied to RCLKO. Can be internally connected to
RCLKO by tying the LIUC/TPD pin high. See the LIUC/TPD pin description for a full explanation of the LIUC/TPD function.

5.3 Parallel Control Port Pins

Signal Name:


Signal Description:


Signal Type:


Flags host controller during events, alarms, and conditions defined in the status registers. Active-low open-drain output.

Signal Name:


Signal Description:

Tri-State Control and Device Reset

Signal Type:


A dual-function pin. A zero-to-one transition issues a hardware reset to the DS21455/DS21458 register set. A reset clears all
configuration registers. Configuration register contents are set to zero. Leaving TSTRST high will tri-state all output and I/O
pins (including the parallel control port). Set low for normal operation. Useful in board-level testing.