Panasonic MN103001G/F01K User Manual
Page 274
16-bit Timers
If dual-edge was selected, the capture operation is performed when either a rising or falling edge is input. It is not
possible to determine which edge was input. (The pin input level cannot be read.)
The capture operation can be disabled even while counting is in progress by setting TM10ACE to "0".
When TM10CAE is set to "1" in the TM10MD register and TM10CA is set as a capture register, TM10BC is
cleared when the value is captured in TM10CA. If TM10CB is set as a double-buffer compare register, the value
that is set in the buffer is loaded into the compare register at this time.
Fig. 11-6-2
Input Capture Operation (When "Rising Edge" Is Selected)
Pin input
Capture timing
Compare/capture A
interrupt request