6 description of operation of timer 10, 1 compare register settings – Panasonic MN103001G/F01K User Manual

Page 272

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16-bit Timers


11.6 Description of Operation of Timer 10

This section describes the operation of timer 10.

Timer 10 includes an up-counter and two compare/capture registers. The compare/capture registers are independent
of each other, and can each be used as either a compare register or a capture register.


Compare Register Settings

In order to use either the timer 10 compare/capture A register or B register as a compare register, the following
settings must be made according to the procedure described below before timer 10 is initialized.

The explanation below refers only to the compare/capture A register, but similar settings would also need to be
made for the compare/capture B register.

(1) Set the compare/capture A register mode.

Set the TM10MDA register as follows:


Don't care


0: Capture operation disabled


Don't care


00: Compare register (single-buffer)

01: Compare register (double-buffer)
If the value in the compare register will change while the counting operation is in progress,

be certain to set "double-buffer."

(2) Set the comparison value in the compare/capture A register.

Set the comparison value in TM10CA.

If the double-buffer is set, the value that is set is not loaded into the compare register at this point. Even if

TM10CA is read at this point, the previous value that was set is read. The set value is loaded when timer 10
is initialized.

Once the timer 10 counting operation is enabled, a compare/capture A interrupt request is generated according to

the timing shown in Fig. 11-6-1.
If the double-buffer is set, the value that is set in the buffer is loaded into the compare register at the same time that

TM10BC is cleared.