Address assignment of timer registers, Timer register description, Table 10: overview of timer registers – Siemens ERTEC200 User Manual

Page 41

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Addr.: 0x4000_2004 Default: 0x0000_0000


Control/status register 1. Configuration and control bits for Timer No. 1.

Bit No.



0 Run/xStop


Stop/start of timer:
0: Timer is stopped
1: Timer is running
Note: If this bit = 0, the timer interrupt is inactive (0) and the status bit (Bit 5) is
reset (0).

1 Load

Trigger=Load the timer with the reload register value:
0: Not relevant
1: Timer is loaded with the value of the reload register
(irrespective of Bit 0=Run/xStop)
While this bit can be read back, it only has an effect at the instant of writing.
Writing a value of 1 to this bit is sufficient to trigger the timer; a 0/1 edge is not


Reload mode *)

Reload mode (continuous mode) of the timer.
0: Timer stops at value 00000000h
1: Timer is loaded with the reload register value when the timer value is
and the timer continues running

3 Reserved

Not relevant (can be read/write-accessed)

4 Reserved

Not relevant (read=0)

5 Status

Timer status (writing is ignored)
0: Timer has not expired
1: Timer has expired (count is 0 and Run/xStop=Bit 0=1)
Note: This bit can only be read as 1 if Run/xStop (Bit 0) is active (1).

6 Cascading

Cascading of timer
0: Not relevant
1: Cascading of timers 0 and 1

31-7 Reserved

Not relevant (read=0)

Important note: The bits designated with *) are relevant to Timer 0 as well if the timers are cascaded!


R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2008 Default: 0x0000_0000


R/W Addr.: 0x4000_200C Default: 0x0000_0000


Reload registers 0 to 1. Reload value for timers 0 to 1.

Bit No.



31:0 Reload


Reload value of timer



Addr.: 0x4000_2010 Default: 0x0000_0000


Control register for the two prescalers

Bit No.



0 Run/xStop_V0

Stop/start of prescaler 0:

0: Prescaler 0 is stopped
1: Prescaler 0 is running

1 Load_V0

Trigger = loading of prescaler 0 with the reload register value:

0: Not relevant
1: Prescaler 0 is loaded with the value of the reload register
While this bit can be read back, the trigger only has an effect
at the instant of writing. The prescaler is loaded independently of the status
of Run/xStop_V0.

2 Run/xStop_V1

Stop/start of prescaler 1:

0: Prescaler 1 is stopped
1: Prescaler 1 is running

3 Load_V1

Trigger = loading of prescaler 1 with the reload register value:

0: Not relevant
1: Prescaler 1 is loaded with the value of the reload register
While this bit can be read back, the trigger only has an effect
at the instant of writing. The prescaler is loaded independently of the status
of Run/xStop_V1.



Not relevant (read=0)

Remark about the prescalers: The current counter value of the prescalers cannot be read. In addition, there are no status
bits for the prescalers indicating when the counter state is 0. The prescalers always run cyclically (in Reload mode).

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ERTEC 200 Manual

Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0