3 schedule – PLANET CS-1000 User Manual

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Multi-Homing Security Gateway User’s Manual

Removing Service Groups

In the Remove confirmation pop-up box, click OK to remove the selected service group or click Cancel to

cancel removing.

3.3.3 Schedule

The Multi-Homing Security Gateway allows the Administrator to configure a schedule for policies to take affect.

By creating a schedule, the Administrator is allowing the Multi-Homing Security Gateway policies to be used

at those designated times only. Any activities outside of the scheduled time slot will not follow the

Multi-Homing Security Gateway policies therefore will likely not be permitted to pass through the Multi-Homing

Security Gateway. The Administrator can configure the start time and stop time, as well as creating 2 different

time periods in a day. For example, an organization may only want the Multi-Homing Security Gateway to

allow the LAN network users to access the Internet during work hours. Therefore, the Administrator may

create a schedule to allow the Multi-Homing Security Gateway to work Monday-Friday, 8AM - 5PM only.

During the non-work hours, the Multi-Homing Security Gateway will not allow Internet access.

Accessing the Schedule window
Step 1. Click on Setting on the Schedule menu bar and the schedule window will appear displaying the

active schedules.

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