Operator programming errors, 6 operator programming errors – Yaskawa Z1000U HVAC Matrix Bypass User Manual
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6.6 Operator Programming Errors
Operator Programming Error Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions
A Programming Error (oPE) occurs when a contradictory parameter is set or an individual parameter is set to an inappropriate
The drive will not operate until the parameter or parameters causing the problem are set correctly. An oPE, however, does not
trigger an alarm or fault output. If an oPE occurs, investigate the cause and refer to
for the appropriate action. When
an oPE appears on the HOA keypad display, press the ENTER button to view U1-18 and see which parameter is causing the
Table 6.10 oPE Codes, Causes, and Possible Solutions
HOA Keypad Display
Error Name
Unit Capacity Setting Fault
Unit capacity and the value set to o2-04 do not match.
Possible Solutions
The drive model selection (o2-04) and the actual
capacity of the drive are not the same
Correct the value set to o2-04.
HOA Keypad Display
Error Name
Parameter Range Setting Error
Use U1-18 to find parameters set outside the range.
Possible Solutions
Parameters were set outside the possible setting
Set parameters to the proper values.
When multiple errors occur simultaneously, other errors are given precedence over oPE02
HOA Keypad Display
Error Name
Multi-Function Input Selection Error
A contradictory setting is assigned to multi-function contact inputs H1-01 to H1-08.
Possible Solutions
• The same function is assigned to two
multi-function inputs
• Excludes “Not used” and “External Fault”
• Ensure all multi-function inputs are assigned to different functions.
• Re-enter the multi-function settings to ensure this does not occur.
The Up command was set but the Down command
was not, or vice versa (settings 10 vs. 11)
Properly set the functions that required for use in combination with other functions.
• Run/Stop command for a 2-wire sequence was
set (H1-oo = 42), but Forward/Reverse
command (H1-oo = 43) was not
• “Drive Enable” is set to multi-function input S1
or S2 (H1-01 = 6A or H1-02 = 6A)
Properly set the functions that required for use in combination with other functions.
Two of the following functions are set
• Up/Down Command (10 vs. 11)
• Hold Accel/Decel Stop (A)
• Analog Frequency Reference Sample/Hold (1E)
• Offset Frequency 1, 2, 3 Calculations (44, 45,
• Check if contradictory settings have simultaneously been assigned to the multi-function input
• Correct setting errors.
The Up/Down command (10, 11) and PID control
(b5-01) are enabled simultaneously
Set b5-01 to 0 to disable control PID or disable the Up/Down command.
Settings for N.C. and N.O. input for the following
functions were selected simultaneously:
• External Search Command 1 and External
Search Command 2 (61 vs. 62)
• Fast Stop N.O. and Fast Stop N.C. (15 vs. 17)
• FWD Run Command (or REV) and FWD/REV
Run Command (2-wire) (40, 41 vs. 42, 43)
• Drive Enable (60 vs. 6A)
• Check if contradictory settings have simultaneously been assigned to the multi-function input
• Correct setting errors.
6.6 Operator Programming Errors
YASKAWA SIEP YAIZ1D 01A Z1000U HVAC MATRIX Drive Bypass Technical Manual
Diagnostics & Troubleshooting