Yaskawa Z1000U HVAC Matrix Bypass User Manual
Page 121

LCD Display
Serial Communications
Baud Rate Select
Baud Rate
0: 1200
1: 2400
2: 4800
3: 9600
4: 19200
5: 38400
6: 57600
7: 76800
8: 115200
Selects the bypass serial communications speed.
0: 1200 bps
1: 2400 bps
2: 4800 bps
3: 9600 bps
4: 19200 bps
5: 38400 bps
6: 57600 bps
7: 76800 bps
8: 115200 bps
Default: 3
Range: 0 to 8
Serial Communications
Parity Select
0: No Parity
1: Even Parity
2: Odd Parity
Selects the bypass serial communications parity.
0: No Parity
1: Even Parity
2: Odd Parity
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 2
Serial Communications
Fault Select
Fault Sel
0: Ignore
1: Alarm only
2: Fault Send EF0
3: Flt EF0 Open K3
4: Alarm(Z3-10)
Selects the action to take when a serial communications fault
is detected.
0: Ignore. A serial communications loss will result in no action
being taken.
1: Alarm only.
2: Fault with EF0. An EF0 will be sent to the drive. If running
in Bypass mode, the bypass contactor will NOT open and the
motor will keep running.
3: Fault with EF0 and Open Contactors. An EF0 fault will be
sent to the drive and the bypass contactor (K3) will be opened.
4: Alarm and run at preset speed set in Z3-10. Display AL14
alarm on Operator.
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 4
Serial Communications
Fault Time Select
Fault Time
Sets the time allowed to elapse since receiving serial
communications before triggering a communications fault.
A setting of 0.0 will never time out.
Default: 2.0 s
Min.: 0.0
Max.: 99.9
Serial Communications
Receive to Transmit
Wait Time
Rx to Tx Wait
Sets the time to delay a serial communications response to a
serial communications command.
Default: 5 ms
Min.: 0
Max.: 99
BACnet Device Object
Identifier 0
BACnet only.
Sets the least significant word of 22-bit virtual address.
Default: 1
Min.: 0
Max.: FFFF
BACnet Device Object
Identifier 1
BACnet only.
Sets the most significant word of 22-bit virtual address.
Default: 0
Min.: 0
Max.: 003F
<1> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<2> Values shown are specific to 208 Vac. Double the value for 480 Vac.
<3> Default setting is dependent on parameter o2-04, Drive Model Selection.
<4> Values are given in Hz, but actual values are dependent upon unit settings using drive parameters o1-03, o1-09, o1-10, and o1-11.
4.3 The Drive and Programming Modes
YASKAWA SIEP YAIZ1D 01A Z1000U HVAC MATRIX Drive Bypass Technical Manual
Start-Up Programming & Operation