H4: multi-function analog outputs – Yaskawa Z1000U HVAC Matrix Bypass User Manual

Page 180

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Setting C: PID Setpoint

Supplies the PID setpoint value and makes the frequency reference selected in parameter b1-01 no longer the PID setpoint.

PID operation to be enabled in b5-01 to use this setting.

Refer to PID Setpoint Input Methods on page 143


Setting D: Frequency Bias

The input value of an analog input set to this function will be added to the frequency reference. This function can be used with

any frequency reference source.

Setting E: Motor Temperature

In addition to motor overload fault detection oL1, it is possible to use a PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) thermistor

for motor insulation protection.

Setting F: Through Mode

When set to F, an input does not affect any drive function, but the input level can still be read out by a PLC via BACnet, P1,

N2, or MEMOBUS/Modbus communications.

Setting 16: Differential PID Feedback

If an analog value is set for this function, the PID controller is set for differential feedback. The difference of the PID feedback

input value and the differential feedback input value builds the feedback value used to calculate the PID input.

Refer to PID

Feedback Input Methods on page 143


Setting 1F: HAND Reference

Sets the frequency reference when in HAND Mode and parameter Z1-41, HAND Speed Reference Selection, is set to 1


Setting 25: Secondary PI Setpoint

10 V = S3-02 (Maximum Output Frequency).

Setting 26: Secondary PI Feedback

10 V = S3-02 (Maximum Output Frequency).


H4: Multi-Function Analog Outputs

These parameters assign functions to analog output terminals FM and AM for monitoring a specific aspect of drive



H4-01, H4-04: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM, AM Monitor Selection

Sets the desired drive monitor parameter Uo-oo to output as an analog value via terminal FM and AM.

Refer to U: Monitor

Parameters on page 206

for a list of all monitors. The “Analog Output Level” column indicates whether a monitor can be

used for analog output.
Example: Enter “103” for U1-03.



Setting Range



Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Monitor Selection

000 to 621



Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Monitor Selection

000 to 621


A setting of 031 or 000 applies no drive monitor to the analog output. With this setting, terminal functions as well as FM and

AM output levels can be set by a PLC via a communication option or MEMOBUS/Modbus (through mode).


H4-02, H4-03: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Gain and Bias

H4-05, H4-06: Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal AM Gain and Bias

Parameters H4-02 and H4-05 set the terminal FM and AM output signal level when the value of the selected monitor is at

100%. Parameters H4-03 and H4-06 set the terminal FM and AM output signal level when the value of the selected monitor

is at 0%. Both are set as a percentage, where 100% equals 10 Vdc or 20 mA analog output and 0% equals 0 V or 4 mA. The

output voltage of both terminals is limited to +/-10 Vdc.
The output signal range can be selected between 0 to +10 Vdc or -10 to +10 Vdc, or 4 to 20 mA using parameter H4-07 and


Figure 5.37

illustrates how gain and bias settings work.



Setting Range



Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Gain

-999.9 to 999.9%



Multi-Function Analog Output Terminal FM Bias

-999.9 to 999.9%


5.7 H: Terminal Functions


YASKAWA SIEP YAIZ1D 01A Z1000U HVAC MATRIX Drive Bypass Technical Manual